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I realized early on that

  • 1 early

    A adj
    1 ( one of the first) [attempt, role, years, play] premier/-ière ; in an early role dans un de ses premiers rôles ; the author's early novels les premiers romans de l'auteur ; the early weeks of the strike les premières semaines de la grève ; one of the earliest attempts une des premières tentatives ; early man les premiers hommes ; in an earlier life dans une vie antérieure ;
    2 ( sooner than usual) [death] prématuré ; [delivery, settlement] rapide ; [vegetable, fruit] précoce ; to have an early lunch/night/lecture déjeuner/se coucher/avoir cours tôt ; to catch the earlier train prendre le train d'avant ; to take an early holiday GB ou vacation US prendre des vacances tôt en saison ; to take early retirement partir en préretraite ; at the earliest possible opportunity le plus tôt possible, à la première occasion ; at your earliest convenience sout à votre convenance fml ;
    3 ( in period of time) in early childhood dans la petite ou première enfance ; at an early age à un très jeune âge ; to be in one's early thirties avoir entre 30 et 35 ans ; to make an early start partir tôt ; to take the early train prendre le premier train ; at the earliest au plus tôt ; the earliest I can manage is Monday je ne peux rien faire avant lundi ; at an early hour très tôt ; in the early hours au petit matin ; in the early Middle Ages/60's au début du Moyen Âge/des années 60 ; in the early spring au début du printemps ; in the early afternoon en début d'après-midi ; at an early date ( in future) très bientôt or prochainement ; the earliest days of the cinema les tout débuts du cinéma ; an earlier attempt/experience une tentative/expérience précédente ;
    4 Biol [gene] précoce.
    B adv
    1 ( in period of time) [leave, arrive, book, start] tôt ; [get up, go to bed] tôt, de bonne heure ; it's still early il est encore tôt ; it's too early to say il est trop tôt pour le dire ; Easter falls ou is early this year Pâques tombe tôt cette année ; can you let me know as early as possible? pouvez-vous me le dire aussitôt que possible? ; can you make it earlier? ( arranging date) pouvez-vous plus tôt? ; five minutes earlier cinq minutes plus tôt ; Fred can't get there earlier than 3 pm Fred ne peut pas y être avant 15 h ; as early as 1983 dès 1983 ; early next year/in the film au début de l'année prochaine/du film ; early in the afternoon en début d'après-midi ; (very) early on dès le début ; early on in her career au début de sa carrière ; I realized early on that j'ai compris rapidement que ; as I said earlier comme je l'ai déjà dit ; ‘post GB early for Christmas’ Post envoyez vos vœux de Noël à l'avance ;
    2 (before expected, too soon) [arrive, leave, ripen] en avance ; I'm sorry to arrive a bit early, I'm sorry I'm a bit early je suis désolé d'arriver un peu en avance ; the postman called ou was early today le facteur est passé tôt aujourd'hui ; the strawberries are early this year les fraises sont en avance cette année ; to do sth two days/three weeks early faire qch avec deux jours/trois semaines d'avance ; to retire early partir en préretraite.
    early to bed early to rise tôt couché tôt levé ; it's early days yet ce n'est que le début ; it's the early bird that catches the worm! Prov l'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt ; to be an early bird être un/-e lève-tôt ; to be a bit early in the day to say être un peu tôt pour le dire.

    Big English-French dictionary > early

  • 2 ♦ up

    ♦ up (1) /ʌp/
    A avv.
    1 su; di sopra; in alto; in su: The lift is going up, l'ascensore sta salendo; Prices are going up, i prezzi stanno andando su (o stanno salendo); When the doctor arrives, send him up, quando arriva il medico, mandamelo di sopra; The water supply was cut off from the fourth floor up, è venuta a mancare l'acqua dal quarto piano in su; a few inches further up, alcuni centimetri più in su
    2 (fam. ingl.) oltre ( di età): Many people 60 and up continue working full time, molte persone di 60 anni e oltre continuano a lavorare a tempo pieno
    3 in piedi; ritto; alzato: Stand up!, alzati!; alzatevi!; in piedi!; We stayed up until 2 watching the election results, siamo rimasti in piedi fino alle due a guardare i risultati delle elezioni; She sat up in bed and had a cup of tea, si è alzata a sedere sul letto e ha bevuto una tazza di tè; He jumped up to answer the door, è balzato in piedi per andare a vedere chi c'era alla porta; She wore her hair up, portava i capelli tirati su
    4 avanti; vicino: She walked up to her father and put her arms round him, si è avvicinata al padre e lo ha abbracciato; A policeman came up and moved us on, è venuto da noi un poliziotto e ci ha fatti circolare; There's a good restaurant further up ( o up ahead), più avanti c'è un buon ristorante
    5 (enfat.) completamente; fino in fondo; The sand has clogged up the canal, la sabbia ha interamente ostruito il canale; We used up all the butter, abbiamo consumato tutto il burro
    6 ( indica direzione verso il nord, verso chi parla o verso un luogo più importante; è idiom.; per es.:) to go up to London [to Scotland], andare a Londra ( dalla provincia) [andare in Scozia ( dall' Inghilterra)]; I'm going up to town, vado in città; My father is up from the country, è arrivato mio padre dalla campagna
    7 (ingl.) all'università: She's going up to Oxford in the autumn, va all'università a Oxford in autunno
    8 ( indica divisione in parti piccole o uguali; per es.:) She cut the cake up into four equal slices, ha tagliato il dolce in quattro fette uguali; They divided the money up between them, si sono spartiti i soldi tra di loro
    9 (indica l'azione di chiudere o legare qc.; per es.:) Don't forget to lock up, non dimenticare di chiudere a chiave; She tied up the flowers with a bow, ha legato insieme i fiori con un fiocco
    11 ( calcio, ecc.) in vantaggio: We were 3-1 up at half time, a metà partita eravamo in vantaggio per 3 a 1; ( basket) to be up ten, essere sopra di dieci punti; (autom.) He finished first, one tenth of a second up, è arrivato primo con un vantaggio di un decimo di secondo; ( golf) to be one [two, three, etc.] up, essere in vantaggio di una [di due, di tre, ecc.] buche
    12 (nei verbi frasali, è idiom.; per es.:) to break up, rompere, spezzare; ecc.; to buy up, accaparrarsi; ecc. (► to break, to buy; ecc.)
    B inter.
    1 su!; in piedi!
    2 evviva!; viva!: Up with the Socialists!, evviva i socialisti!
    up against, contro: The crowd was crushed up against the police cordon, la folla era schiacciata contro i cordoni della polizia □ up and down, su e giù; avanti e indietro; dappertutto: The cork bobbed up and down on the water, il sughero ballonzolava su e giù sull'acqua; We walked up and down, abbiamo passeggiato avanti e indietro □ up here, quassù □ (fig.) up in the air, ( di una cosa) ipotetico, vago; ( di una persona) indeciso, dubbioso □ up there, lassù □ up to, fino a: to count from one up to one hundred, contare da uno fino a cento; up to 1995, fino al 1995; up to one thousand people, fino a mille persone; ben mille persone; We'll grant you up to 20% off the price list, vi faremo fino al 20% di sconto sul prezzo di listino; to be up to one's knees in mud, essere immerso nel fango fino alle ginocchia □ (fig.) to be up to one's neck (o ears, o eyes) in st., essere in qc. fino al collo; essere sommerso da qc.; I'm up to my ears in debt, sono indebitato fino al collo; He's up to his eyes in work, è sommerso dal lavoro □ up to date, aggiornato, al corrente; (comm.: di un estratto conto) compilato a tutt'oggi: to keep st. up to date, tenere aggiornato qc.; to bring st. up to date, aggiornare, rammodernare qc.; to keep up to date, tenersi aggiornato, al corrente; stare al passo con i tempi; to keep up to date with the news, tenersi informato delle ultime novità □ up-to-date (agg. attr.), aggiornato, moderno: up-to-date office equipment, moderne attrezzature per ufficio; up-to-date information, informazioni aggiornate □ up to speed, ( di sistema, ecc.) funzionante a pieno regime; ( di persona) al corrente: The system is now up to speed, il sistema ora funziona a pieno regime; They brought her up to speed on all the latest developments, l'hanno messa al corrente di tutti gli ultimi sviluppi □ (fam.) to be (o to have had it) up to here with sb. [st.], averne fin sopra i capelli di q. [qc.]: I've had it up to here with him [his whining], ne ho fin sopra i capelli di lui [dei suoi piagnistei] □ up to now, finora □ (geogr.) as far up as Edinburgh, fino all'altezza di Edimburgo ( andando da sud a nord) □ ( marina mil.) Up periscope!, fuori il periscopio! □ Hands up!, mani in alto! □ ( scritto su un pacco) «This side up», «alto» □ When his blood is up, quando gli va il sangue alla testa □ (autom.) «Road up» ( cartello), «lavori in corso».
    NOTA D'USO: - up to o down to?- ♦ up (2) /ʌp/
    1 su; su per: The boy climbed up the ladder, il ragazzo si è arrampicato sulla scala; Can you help me carry the trunk up the stairs?, mi aiuti a portare il baule su per le scale?; to walk up a hill, risalire (a piedi) una collina
    2 più avanti in; in fondo a; verso la cima, la sorgente di ( un fiume, ecc.): There's a post office up the road, più avanti ( nella strada) c'è un ufficio postale; to walk up a street, camminare lungo una strada (spec. in salita o verso il centro della città); to walk up and down the street, andare su e giù per la strada; a trip up the Rhine, un viaggio risalendo il Reno; There's a cafe a bit further up the hill, c'è un caffé un po' più in su sulla collina
    up-countryupcountry □ up front (avv.), ► upfront □ up-front (agg. e n.), ► upfront □ up hill and down dale, per mari e per monti; da tutte le parti; senza meta □ up-streamupstream □ (mus.) up-tempo, dal ritmo veloce: an up-tempo number, un up-tempo □ (fam.) up top, nella zucca, nella testa: to have st. up top, avere qc. in mente □ (volg.) Up yours!, vaffanculo (volg.); ( anche) col cavolo!; non rompere! (volg.).
    ♦ up (3) /ʌp/
    A a. pred.
    1 alzato; in piedi; tirato su: The car windows were up, i finestrini della macchina erano alzati; The children aren't up yet, i bambini non sono ancora alzati; I was up all night with a stomach bug, sono rimasto in piedi tutta la notte per un disturbo allo stomaco; DIALOGO → - Putting the heating on- I have to be up early, at 6.30, devo alzarmi presto, alle 6:30
    2 alto: The wind is up, si è alzato il vento; The moon was up, si era alzata la luna; la luna è alta in cielo; The sun isn't up yet, il sole non s'è ancora alzato
    3 esposto: The notice had been up for a week, il cartello era esposto da una settimana
    4 edificato; costruito: That new office block still isn't up, il nuovo palazzo di uffici non è ancora stato costruito
    5 (fig.) alto; elevato; salito: The temperature is up again, la temperatura (o la febbre) è di nuovo alta; Rents are up, gli affitti sono alti (o cari); Share prices are up this week, questa settimana le quotazioni (di borsa) sono salite; Unemployment is up again, la disoccupazione è di nuovo salita
    6 (econ., Borsa) al rialzo; in aumento: The pound is up against the euro, la sterlina si è rafforzata rispetto all'euro; House prices are up by 18% over the last year, i prezzi degli immobili sono saliti del 18% nel corso dello scorso anno; Profits are up on last year's, gli utili sono più alti rispetto all'anno scorso
    7 chiuso per lavori: The road was up so we had to turn back, la strada era chiusa per lavori, quindi abbiamo dovuto tornare indietro
    8 (fam.) preparato; pronto: Tea's up, il tè è pronto
    9 (comput.: di un computer) funzionante: The computer will be back up in ten minutes, il computer sarà di nuovo in grado di funzionare fra dieci minuti
    10 (fam. USA) di buon umore
    11 ( slang USA) in forma; al meglio
    12 ( slang) drogato; fatto (pop.)
    13 finito; terminato: The game is up, il gioco è finito ( anche fig.); Your time's up, è finito il tempo a tua disposizione; (fig.) Time's up for the government, il governo ha le ore contate
    14 ( tennis: della palla) buona, giocabile ( dopo un solo rimbalzo)
    B a. attr.
    1 che va in su; in salita: the up escalator, la scala mobile che sale
    2 (trasp.) verso la città; verso la capitale; (spec.) verso Londra: I took the first up train in the morning, la mattina ho preso il primo treno per Londra; (ferr.) the up line, la linea per Londra; (ferr.) the up platform, il binario del treno per Londra
    C n.
    (fin., Borsa) rialzo: All shares are on the up, tutte le azioni sono in rialzo
    D n. pl.
    the ups, gli alti: the ups and downs of life, gli alti e bassi (o le vicende alterne) della vita
    to be up (impers.), (stare per) succedere, bollire in pentola (fig.): DIALOGO → - Organizing a meeting- What's up?, che succede?; che c'è?; What's up with you?, che cosa ti succede?; che c'è (che non va)?; I realized at once that something was up, ho capito subito che c'era qualcosa che bolliva in pentola □ to be up against st., trovarsi di fronte qc.; essere alle prese con qc.: We were up against serious difficulties, ci siamo trovati alle prese con serie difficoltà □ to be up against it, essere nei guai: You'll be up against it if the factory shuts down, sarete nei guai se la fabbrica chiude □ to be up and about, essere di nuovo in piedi ( dopo una malattia); essere in piena attività: We were up and about by 6, alle sei, eravamo già in piena attività □ to be up and doing, darsi da fare: I can't sit still, I like to be up and doing, non riesco a starmene con le mani in mano, mi piace darmi da fare □ to be up and running (o going), funzionare perfettamente □ to be up for st., presentarsi a qc., essere sottoposto a qc.; (leg.) comparire in giudizio per qc.; (fam.) aver voglia di fare qc.: The budget will be up for revision next month, il bilancio preventivo sarà sottoposto a revisione il mese prossimo; The issue will be up for discussion at the next meeting, la questione sarà discussa nella prossima riunione; He was up for armed robbery, è comparso in giudizio per rapina a mano armata; to be up for re-election, ripresentarsi alle elezioni; to be up for a job [a post], candidarsi per un posto di lavoro [per un incarico]; to be up for sale [adoption], essere in vendita [in adozione]; DIALOGO → - Pool- Are you up for a game of pool?, hai voglia di fare (o ti va) una partita a biliardo?; Are you up for it?, ti va? □ to be (well) up on (o in, with) st., essere ferrato in qc. to be up to st., essere all'altezza di qc.; stare combinando qc.; star facendo qc.: The goods were not up to standard, la merce non era conforme agli standard; He isn't up to his job, non è all'altezza del suo lavoro; What are the children up to?, che cosa stanno combinando i bambini?; DIALOGO → - Discussing football- What are you up to on Saturday?, cosa fai sabato?; That dog is up to no good, quel cane sta combinando un guaio (o ne sta facendo una delle sue) □ to be up to sb., spettare (o toccare) a q.: It's up to him to decide, spetta a lui decidere; That's up to you!, sta a te decidere (o intervenire, agire, ecc.)! □ to be up with sb., essere alla pari con, essere al livello di q.: He's up with the best players in the world, è al livello dei migliori giocatori del mondo □ to feel up to st., sentirsela di fare qc.: I'm staying at home; I don't feel up to such a long trip, resto a casa; non me la sento di fare un viaggio così lungo □ (comput.) up arrow, freccia in su; freccia su □ (fin.) an up market, un mercato al rialzo □ (fam.) to be on the up, essere in ascesa; essere in aumento □ (fam.) to be on the up-and-up, (ingl.) andare a gonfie vele (fig.); ( USA) essere onesto, sincero □ (fam. USA) up-and-up, onesto; affidabile; di (tutta) fiducia.
    (to) up /ʌp/
    A v. i.
    1 (fam.) to up and…, fare (qc.) all'improvviso; prendere (e…): One day Tom just upped and went to Australia, Tom un bel giorno ha preso e se n'è andato in Australia
    2 (fam. USA) to up with, alzare ( la mano, un'arma); brandire: He upped with his stick, ha brandito il bastone
    B v. t. (fam.)
    alzare; aumentare: to up prices, alzare (o aumentare) i prezzi
    ● (fam.) to up and off, prendere (o alzarsi) e andarsene □ to up the ante, alzare la posta.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ up

  • 3 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 4 De Forest, Lee

    b. 26 August 1873 Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA
    d. 30 June 1961 Hollywood, California, USA
    American electrical engineer and inventor principally known for his invention of the Audion, or triode, vacuum tube; also a pioneer of sound in the cinema.
    De Forest was born into the family of a Congregational minister that moved to Alabama in 1879 when the father became President of a college for African-Americans; this was a position that led to the family's social ostracism by the white community. By the time he was 13 years old, De Forest was already a keen mechanical inventor, and in 1893, rejecting his father's plan for him to become a clergyman, he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Following his first degree, he went on to study the propagation of electromagnetic waves, gaining a PhD in physics in 1899 for his thesis on the "Reflection of Hertzian Waves from the Ends of Parallel Wires", probably the first US thesis in the field of radio.
    He then joined the Western Electric Company in Chicago where he helped develop the infant technology of wireless, working his way up from a modest post in the production area to a position in the experimental laboratory. There, working alone after normal working hours, he developed a detector of electromagnetic waves based on an electrolytic device similar to that already invented by Fleming in England. Recognizing his talents, a number of financial backers enabled him to set up his own business in 1902 under the name of De Forest Wireless Telegraphy Company; he was soon demonstrating wireless telegraphy to interested parties and entering into competition with the American Marconi Company.
    Despite the failure of this company because of fraud by his partners, he continued his experiments; in 1907, by adding a third electrode, a wire mesh, between the anode and cathode of the thermionic diode invented by Fleming in 1904, he was able to produce the amplifying device now known as the triode valve and achieve a sensitivity of radio-signal reception much greater than possible with the passive carborundum and electrolytic detectors hitherto available. Patented under the name Audion, this new vacuum device was soon successfully used for experimental broadcasts of music and speech in New York and Paris. The invention of the Audion has been described as the beginning of the electronic era. Although much development work was required before its full potential was realized, the Audion opened the way to progress in all areas of sound transmission, recording and reproduction. The patent was challenged by Fleming and it was not until 1943 that De Forest's claim was finally recognized.
    Overcoming the near failure of his new company, the De Forest Radio Telephone Company, as well as unsuccessful charges of fraudulent promotion of the Audion, he continued to exploit the potential of his invention. By 1912 he had used transformer-coupling of several Audion stages to achieve high gain at radio frequencies, making long-distance communication a practical proposition, and had applied positive feedback from the Audion output anode to its input grid to realize a stable transmitter oscillator and modulator. These successes led to prolonged patent litigation with Edwin Armstrong and others, and he eventually sold the manufacturing rights, in retrospect often for a pittance.
    During the early 1920s De Forest began a fruitful association with T.W.Case, who for around ten years had been working to perfect a moving-picture sound system. De Forest claimed to have had an interest in sound films as early as 1900, and Case now began to supply him with photoelectric cells and primitive sound cameras. He eventually devised a variable-density sound-on-film system utilizing a glow-discharge modulator, the Photion. By 1926 De Forest's Phonofilm had been successfully demonstrated in over fifty theatres and this system became the basis of Movietone. Though his ideas were on the right lines, the technology was insufficiently developed and it was left to others to produce a system acceptable to the film industry. However, De Forest had played a key role in transforming the nature of the film industry; within a space of five years the production of silent films had all but ceased.
    In the following decade De Forest applied the Audion to the development of medical diathermy. Finally, after spending most of his working life as an independent inventor and entrepreneur, he worked for a time during the Second World War at the Bell Telephone Laboratories on military applications of electronics.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers Medal of Honour 1922. President, Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers 1930. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Edison Medal 1946.
    1904, "Electrolytic detectors", Electrician 54:94 (describes the electrolytic detector). 1907, US patent no. 841,387 (the Audion).
    1950, Father of Radio, Chicago: WIlcox \& Follett (autobiography).
    De Forest gave his own account of the development of his sound-on-film system in a series of articles: 1923. "The Phonofilm", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 16 (May): 61–75; 1924. "Phonofilm progress", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 20:17–19; 1927, "Recent developments in the Phonofilm", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 27:64–76; 1941, "Pioneering in talking pictures", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 36 (January): 41–9.
    Further Reading
    G.Carneal, 1930, A Conqueror of Space (biography).
    I.Levine, 1964, Electronics Pioneer, Lee De Forest (biography).
    E.I.Sponable, 1947, "Historical development of sound films", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 48 (April): 275–303 (an authoritative account of De Forest's sound-film work, by Case's assistant).
    W.R.McLaurin, 1949, Invention and Innovation in the Radio Industry.
    C.F.Booth, 1955, "Fleming and De Forest. An appreciation", in Thermionic Valves 1904– 1954, IEE.
    V.J.Phillips, 1980, Early Radio Detectors, London: Peter Peregrinus.
    KF / JW

    Biographical history of technology > De Forest, Lee

  • 5 Mind

       It becomes, therefore, no inconsiderable part of science... to know the different operations of the mind, to separate them from each other, to class them under their proper heads, and to correct all that seeming disorder in which they lie involved when made the object of reflection and inquiry.... It cannot be doubted that the mind is endowed with several powers and faculties, that these powers are distinct from one another, and that what is really distinct to the immediate perception may be distinguished by reflection and, consequently, that there is a truth and falsehood which lie not beyond the compass of human understanding. (Hume, 1955, p. 22)
       Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white Paper, void of all Characters, without any Ideas: How comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store, which the busy and boundless Fancy of Man has painted on it, with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of Reason and Knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from Experience. (Locke, quoted in Herrnstein & Boring, 1965, p. 584)
       The kind of logic in mythical thought is as rigorous as that of modern science, and... the difference lies, not in the quality of the intellectual process, but in the nature of things to which it is applied.... Man has always been thinking equally well; the improvement lies, not in an alleged progress of man's mind, but in the discovery of new areas to which it may apply its unchanged and unchanging powers. (Leґvi-Strauss, 1963, p. 230)
       MIND. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. (Bierce, quoted in Minsky, 1986, p. 55)
       [Philosophy] understands the foundations of knowledge and it finds these foundations in a study of man-as-knower, of the "mental processes" or the "activity of representation" which make knowledge possible. To know is to represent accurately what is outside the mind, so to understand the possibility and nature of knowledge is to understand the way in which the mind is able to construct such representation.... We owe the notion of a "theory of knowledge" based on an understanding of "mental processes" to the seventeenth century, and especially to Locke. We owe the notion of "the mind" as a separate entity in which "processes" occur to the same period, and especially to Descartes. We owe the notion of philosophy as a tribunal of pure reason, upholding or denying the claims of the rest of culture, to the eighteenth century and especially to Kant, but this Kantian notion presupposed general assent to Lockean notions of mental processes and Cartesian notions of mental substance. (Rorty, 1979, pp. 3-4)
       Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation. It is becoming for us what sex was to Victorians-threat, obsession, taboo, and fascination. (Turkle, 1984, p. 313)
       7) Understanding the Mind Remains as Resistant to Neurological as to Cognitive Analyses
       Recent years have been exciting for researchers in the brain and cognitive sciences. Both fields have flourished, each spurred on by methodological and conceptual developments, and although understanding the mechanisms of mind is an objective shared by many workers in these areas, their theories and approaches to the problem are vastly different....
       Early experimental psychologists, such as Wundt and James, were as interested in and knowledgeable about the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as about the young science of the mind. However, the experimental study of mental processes was short-lived, being eclipsed by the rise of behaviorism early in this century. It was not until the late 1950s that the signs of a new mentalism first appeared in scattered writings of linguists, philosophers, computer enthusiasts, and psychologists.
       In this new incarnation, the science of mind had a specific mission: to challenge and replace behaviorism. In the meantime, brain science had in many ways become allied with a behaviorist approach.... While behaviorism sought to reduce the mind to statements about bodily action, brain science seeks to explain the mind in terms of physiochemical events occurring in the nervous system. These approaches contrast with contemporary cognitive science, which tries to understand the mind as it is, without any reduction, a view sometimes described as functionalism.
       The cognitive revolution is now in place. Cognition is the subject of contemporary psychology. This was achieved with little or no talk of neurons, action potentials, and neurotransmitters. Similarly, neuroscience has risen to an esteemed position among the biological sciences without much talk of cognitive processes. Do the fields need each other?... [Y]es because the problem of understanding the mind, unlike the wouldbe problem solvers, respects no disciplinary boundaries. It remains as resistant to neurological as to cognitive analyses. (LeDoux & Hirst, 1986, pp. 1-2)
       Since the Second World War scientists from different disciplines have turned to the study of the human mind. Computer scientists have tried to emulate its capacity for visual perception. Linguists have struggled with the puzzle of how children acquire language. Ethologists have sought the innate roots of social behaviour. Neurophysiologists have begun to relate the function of nerve cells to complex perceptual and motor processes. Neurologists and neuropsychologists have used the pattern of competence and incompetence of their brain-damaged patients to elucidate the normal workings of the brain. Anthropologists have examined the conceptual structure of cultural practices to advance hypotheses about the basic principles of the mind. These days one meets engineers who work on speech perception, biologists who investigate the mental representation of spatial relations, and physicists who want to understand consciousness. And, of course, psychologists continue to study perception, memory, thought and action.
    ... [W]orkers in many disciplines have converged on a number of central problems and explanatory ideas. They have realized that no single approach is likely to unravel the workings of the mind: it will not give up its secrets to psychology alone; nor is any other isolated discipline-artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, neurophysiology, philosophy-going to have any greater success. (Johnson-Laird, 1988, p. 7)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Mind

  • 6 Bakewell, Frederick C.

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    fl. 1850s
    British inventor of the "copying telegraph", the basis of facsimile transmission.
    Although little appears to be known about his life, Bakewell deserves a place in this dictionary for a single invention that was to have a significant impact upon communication. The invention of photography early in the nineteenth century soon led to a desire to transmit images over a distance. Although telegraphy was still very much in its infancy, Bakewell realized that the key to a viable system of facsimile, as it came to be known, was to dissect the image to be transmitted sequentially by scanning it in a series of parallel lines with some sort of sensor and to synchronously reconstruct it at the receiving end—a process that anticipated the way in which modern television works. To this end the line image was drawn with varnish on a sheet of tin foil, which was then wrapped around a cylinder. As the cylinder was rotated, presumably by some kind of regulated clockwork mechanism similar to that used later in the early phonographs of Edison, an electrical contact driven by a screw thread caused the image to be scanned along a spiral path, giving a series of on-off signals. At the receiving end, instead of the tin foil, a sheet of paper wetted with a suitable chemical was darkened by the current pulses as they arrived.
    A practicable system did not become possible until a dry form of receiving-paper that was insensitive to light became available in the 1930s; once established, however, the technique remained the basis of commercial machines into the 1980s.
    1853, Electric Science.
    1857, A Manual of Electricity.
    Further Reading
    J.Malster \& M.J.Bowden, 1976, "Facsimile. A Review", Radio \& Electronic Engineer 46:55.
    See also: Bain, Alexander

    Biographical history of technology > Bakewell, Frederick C.

  • 7 Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi

    b. 1 June 1796 Paris, France
    d. 24 August 1831 Paris, France
    French laid the foundations for modern thermodynamics through his book Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu when he stated that the efficiency of an engine depended on the working substance and the temperature drop between the incoming and outgoing steam.
    Sadi was the eldest son of Lazare Carnot, who was prominent as one of Napoleon's military and civil advisers. Sadi was born in the Palais du Petit Luxembourg and grew up during the Napoleonic wars. He was tutored by his father until in 1812, at the minimum age of 16, he entered the Ecole Polytechnique to study stress analysis, mechanics, descriptive geometry and chemistry. He organized the students to fight against the allies at Vincennes in 1814. He left the Polytechnique that October and went to the Ecole du Génie at Metz as a student second lieutenant. While there, he wrote several scientific papers, but on the Restoration in 1815 he was regarded with suspicion because of the support his father had given Napoleon. In 1816, on completion of his studies, Sadi became a second lieutenant in the Metz engineering regiment and spent his time in garrison duty, drawing up plans of fortifications. He seized the chance to escape from this dull routine in 1819 through an appointment to the army general staff corps in Paris, where he took leave of absence on half pay and began further courses of study at the Sorbonne, Collège de France, Ecole des Mines and the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. He was inter-ested in industrial development, political economy, tax reform and the fine arts.
    It was not until 1821 that he began to concentrate on the steam-engine, and he soon proposed his early form of the Carnot cycle. He sought to find a general solution to cover all types of steam-engine, and reduced their operation to three basic stages: an isothermal expansion as the steam entered the cylinder; an adiabatic expansion; and an isothermal compression in the condenser. In 1824 he published his Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu, which was well received at the time but quickly forgotten. In it he accepted the caloric theory of heat but pointed out the impossibility of perpetual motion. His main contribution to a correct understanding of a heat engine, however, lay in his suggestion that power can be produced only where there exists a temperature difference due "not to an actual consumption of caloric but to its transportation from a warm body to a cold body". He used the analogy of a water-wheel with the water falling around its circumference. He proposed the true Carnot cycle with the addition of a final adiabatic compression in which motive power was con sumed to heat the gas to its original incoming temperature and so closed the cycle. He realized the importance of beginning with the temperature of the fire and not the steam in the boiler. These ideas were not taken up in the study of thermodynartiics until after Sadi's death when B.P.E.Clapeyron discovered his book in 1834.
    In 1824 Sadi was recalled to military service as a staff captain, but he resigned in 1828 to devote his time to physics and economics. He continued his work on steam-engines and began to develop a kinetic theory of heat. In 1831 he was investigating the physical properties of gases and vapours, especially the relationship between temperature and pressure. In June 1832 he contracted scarlet fever, which was followed by "brain fever". He made a partial recovery, but that August he fell victim to a cholera epidemic to which he quickly succumbed.
    1824, Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu; pub. 1960, trans. R.H.Thurston, New York: Dover Publications; pub. 1978, trans. Robert Fox, Paris (full biographical accounts are provided in the introductions of the translated editions).
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1971, Vol. III, New York: C.Scribner's Sons. T.I.Williams (ed.), 1969, A Biographical Dictionary of Scientists, London: A. \& C.
    Chambers Concise Dictionary of Scientists, 1989, Cambridge.
    D.S.L.Cardwell, 1971, from Watt to Clausius. The Rise of Thermodynamics in the Early Industrial Age, London: Heinemann (discusses Carnot's theories of heat).

    Biographical history of technology > Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi

  • 8 Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon

    b. 13 June 1854 London, England
    d. 11 February 1931 on board Duchess of Richmond, Kingston, Jamaica
    English eingineer, inventor of the steam turbine and developer of the high-speed electric generator.
    The youngest son of the Earl of Rosse, he came from a family well known in scientific circles, the six boys growing up in an intellectual atmosphere at Birr Castle, the ancestral home in Ireland, where a forge and large workshop were available to them. Charles, like his brothers, did not go to school but was educated by private tutors of the character of Sir Robert Ball, this type of education being interspersed with overseas holiday trips to France, Holland, Belgium and Spain in the family yacht. In 1871, at the age of 17, he went to Trinity College, Dublin, and after two years he went on to St John's College, Cambridge. This was before the Engineering School had opened, and Parsons studied mechanics and mathematics.
    In 1877 he was apprenticed to W.G.Armstrong \& Co. of Elswick, where he stayed for four years, developing an epicycloidal engine that he had designed while at Cambridge. He then moved to Kitson \& Co. of Leeds, where he went half shares in a small experimental shop working on rocket propulsion for torpedoes.
    In 1887 he married Katherine Bethell, who contracted rheumatic fever from early-morning outdoor vigils with her husband to watch his torpedo experiments while on their honeymoon! He then moved to a partnership in Clarke, Chapman \& Co. at Gateshead. There he joined the electrical department, initially working on the development of a small, steam-driven marine lighting set. This involved the development of either a low-speed dynamo, for direct coupling to a reciprocating engine, or a high-speed engine, and it was this requirement that started Parsons on the track of the steam turbine. This entailed many problems such as the running of shafts at speeds of up to 40,000 rpm and the design of a DC generator for 18,000 rpm. He took out patents for both the turbine and the generator on 23 April 1884. In 1888 he dissolved his partnership with Clarke, Chapman \& Co. to set up his own firm in Newcastle, leaving his patents with the company's owners. This denied him the use of the axial-flow turbine, so Parsons then designed a radial-flow layout; he later bought back his patents from Clarke, Chapman \& Co. His original patent had included the use of the steam turbine as a means of marine propulsion, and Parsons now set about realizing this possibility. He experimented with 2 ft (61 cm) and 6 ft (183 cm) long models, towed with a fishing line or, later, driven by a twisted rubber cord, through a single-reduction set of spiral gearing.
    The first trials of the Turbinia took place in 1894 but were disappointing due to cavitation, a little-understood phenomenon at the time. He used an axial-flow turbine of 2,000 shp running at 2,000 rpm. His work resulted in a far greater understanding of the phenomenon of cavitation than had hitherto existed. Land turbines of up to 350 kW (470 hp) had meanwhile been built. Experiments with the Turbinia culminated in a demonstration which took place at the great Naval Review of 1897 at Spithead, held to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Here, the little Turbinia darted in and out of the lines of heavy warships and destroyers, attaining the unheard of speed of 34.5 knots. The following year the Admiralty placed their first order for a turbine-driven ship, and passenger vessels started operation soon after, the first in 1901. By 1906 the Admiralty had moved over to use turbines exclusively. These early turbines had almost all been direct-coupled to the ship's propeller shaft. For optimum performance of both turbine and propeller, Parsons realized that some form of reduction gearing was necessary, which would have to be extremely accurate because of the speeds involved. Parsons's Creep Mechanism of 1912 ensured that any errors in the master wheel would be distributed evenly around the wheel being cut.
    Parsons was also involved in optical work and had a controlling interest in the firm of Ross Ltd of London and, later, in Sir Howard Grubb \& Sons. He he was an enlightened employer, originating share schemes and other benefits for his employees.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted. Order of Merit 1927.
    Further Reading
    A.T.Bowden, 1966, "Charles Parsons: Purveyor of power", in E.G.Semler (ed.), The Great Masters. Engineering Heritage, Vol. II, London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Heinemann.

    Biographical history of technology > Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon

  • 9 should

    see academic.ru/66362/shall">shall
    * * *
    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) pt von shall
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) Konjunktiv
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) Ausdruck der Wahrscheinlichkeit
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.) nach Ausdrücken der Überraschung etc.
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.) Konditionell
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) Ausdruck eines Wunsches
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) Ausdruck höchster Überraschung
    * * *
    1. (expressing advisability)
    sb/sth \should... jd/etw sollte...
    if you're annoyed with him, you \should tell him wenn du dich über ihn ärgerst, solltest du ihm das sagen
    he said that I \should see a doctor er meinte, ich solle zum Arzt gehen
    you \should be ashamed of yourselves ihr solltet euch [was] schämen
    how kind! you really \shouldn't have! wie nett! das war doch [wirklich] nicht nötig!
    I \should have written to her ich hätte ihr schreiben sollen
    one \should not judge people by their appearance man sollte Menschen nicht nach ihrem Äußeren beurteilen
    he \shouldn't say things like that er sollte so etwas nicht sagen
    she \should worry! she hasn't a problem in the world! ( iron) was braucht sie sich schon Sorgen zu machen! sie hat doch keinerlei Probleme
    the car \should be serviced every year das Auto sollte jedes Jahr zur Inspektion
    I recommend that there \should be an investigation ich würde dazu raten, eine Untersuchung durchzuführen
    it's essential that the project \should not be delayed any further es ist wichtig, dass das Projekt nicht noch weiter verzögert wird
    2. (asking for advice)
    \should sb/sth...? soll[te] jd/etw...?
    \should I apologize to him? soll[te] ich mich bei ihm entschuldigen?
    \should he apply for the job? soll[te] er sich für die Stelle bewerben?
    how often \should the plant be watered? wie oft sollte [o muss] die Pflanze gegossen werden?
    3. (expressing expectation)
    sb/sth \should... jd/etw sollte [o müsste] [eigentlich]...
    you \should find this guidebook helpful dieser Führer wird dir sicher nützlich sein
    there \shouldn't be any problems es dürfte eigentlich keine Probleme geben
    that \should be safe enough das dürfte [o müsste eigentlich] sicher genug sein
    everything is as it \should be alles ist wie es sein soll
    this shirt's made of very good quality silk — I \should think it is, considering how much it cost dieses Hemd ist aus hochwertiger Seide — das will ich wohl meinen, wenn man bedenkt, was es gekostet hat
    could you have the report ready by Friday?yes, I \should think so könnten Sie den Bericht bis Freitag fertig haben? — ja, ich glaube schon
    I don't like to drink more than one bottle of wine in an evening — I \should think not! ich mag pro Abend nicht mehr als eine Flasche Wein trinken — das will ich wohl meinen!
    I bought her some flowers to say thank you — I \should think so too ich habe ihr ein paar Blumen gekauft, um mich zu bedanken — das war auch gut so
    the boss wants to see us in her office immediately — this \should be good! ( iron fam) wir sollen sofort zur Chefin ins Büro kommen — das kann ja heiter werden! iron fam
    I \should be so lucky ( fam) schön wär's! fam
    4. (expressing futurity)
    sb/sth \should... jd/etw würde...
    he realized that he \should have to do most of the work es wurde ihm klar, dass er die meiste Arbeit würde erledigen müssen
    in case [or if] sth/sb \should do sth falls etw/jd etw tun sollte
    he took his cap in case it \should snow er nahm seine Mütze für den Fall mit, dass es zu schneien anfing
    it seems very unlikely to happen, but if it \should, we need to be well-prepared es scheint unwahrscheinlich, aber für den Fall, dass es doch passieren sollte, müssen wir gut vorbereitet sein
    he would be most welcome, \should he be coming at all er wäre höchst willkommen, falls er überhaupt kommt
    why \should sb/sth...? warum sollte jd/etw...?
    why \should anyone want to eat something so horrible? warum sollte irgendjemand so etwas Scheußliches essen wollen?
    I was just getting off the bus when who \should I see but my old school friend Pat! was glaubst du, wen ich gesehen habe, als ich aus dem Bus ausstieg — niemand anderen als meinen alten Schulfreund Pat!
    8. (expressing an opinion)
    it's odd that she \should think I would want to see her again es ist seltsam, dass sie meint, ich wolle sie wiedersehen
    it's so unfair that she \should have died so young es ist so ungerecht, dass sie so jung sterben musste
    it worries me that he \should drive all that way on his own esp BRIT es beunruhigt mich, dass er die ganze Strecke alleine fährt
    I suggest that you \should leave esp BRIT ( form) du solltest besser gehen
    I prefer that Jane \should do it esp BRIT ( form) es wäre mir lieber, wenn Jane es täte
    9. (could)
    where's Daryl? — how \should I know? wo ist Daryl? — woher soll[te] ich das wissen?
    for fear that I \should miss my flight, I arrived at the airport five hours early aus Angst, ich könnte mein Flugzeug verpassen, war ich fünf Stunden früher am Flughafen
    I/we \should... ich würde/wir würden...
    I \should like a whisky before the meal ich hätte vor dem Essen gern einen Whisky
    we \should like to take you out for dinner next week wir würden Sie gerne nächste Woche zum Abendessen einladen
    I \shouldn't worry about it if I were you ich würde mir deswegen an deiner Stelle keine Sorgen machen
    he took his umbrella so that he \shouldn't get wet er nahm seinen Schirm mit, um nicht nass zu werden
    we \should have come sooner if we'd known how ill he was wir wären früher gekommen, wenn wir gewusst hätten, wie krank er war
    I \shouldn't be surprised ich wäre nicht überrascht
    * * *
    [ʃʊd] pret of shall
    modal aux vb

    (expressing duty, advisability, command) I/he should do that — ich/er sollte das tun

    all is as it should be — alles ist so, wie es sein sollte or muss

    he should know that it's wrong to lie — er sollte or müsste wissen, dass man nicht lügen darf

    should I go too? – yes you should was it a good film? – I should think it was — sollte ich auch gehen? – ja, das sollten Sie schon war der Film gut? – und ob

    he's coming to apologize – I should think so — er will sich entschuldigen – das möchte ich auch meinen or hoffen

    ... and I should know —... und ich müsste es ja wissen


    (expressing probability) he should be there by now —


    (in tentative statements) I shouldn't like to say —

    I should think there were about 40 — ich würde schätzen, dass etwa 40 dort waren

    I should like to disagreeda möchte ich widersprechen

    I should like to know — ich wüsste gern, ich möchte gern wissen

    thanks, I should like to — danke, gern


    (expressing surprise) who should I see/should it be but Anne! — und wen sehe ich/und wer wars? Anne!

    why should he want to know/do that? — warum will er das wohl wissen/machen?

    why should he have done it, if...? — warum hat er es dann gemacht, wenn...?


    (subjunc, conditional) I/he should go if... —

    we should have come if... — wir wären gekommen, wenn...

    it seems unbelievable that he should have failed/be so young — es scheint unglaublich, dass er versagt hat/so jung ist

    I don't see why he shouldn't have paid by now — ich verstehe nicht, warum er bis jetzt noch nicht bezahlt hat

    if they should send for me —

    if he should come, should he come — falls er kommen sollte, sollte er kommen

    I shouldn't be surprised if he comes or came or were to come — ich wäre nicht or keineswegs überrascht, wenn er kommen würde or wenn er käme

    I shouldn't (do that) if I were you —

    I shouldn't worry about it it is necessary that he should be told — ich würde mir darüber keine Gedanken machen es ist nötig, dass man es ihm sagt

    * * *
    should [ʃʊd; unbetont ʃəd; ʃd; ʃt]
    1. prät von shall, auch konditional futurisch: ich, er, sie, es sollte, du solltest, wir, Ihr, Sie, sie sollten:
    should it prove false sollte es sich als falsch erweisen;
    he should be home by then er müsste bis dahin wieder zu Hause sein
    2. konditional: ich würde, wir würden:
    I should go if …;
    I should not have come if ich wäre nicht gekommen, wenn;
    I should like to ich würde oder möchte gern
    3. nach Ausdrücken des Erstaunens etc:
    it is incredible that he should have failed es ist unglaublich, dass er versagt hat
    * * *
    * * *
    sollen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: sollte, gesollt)

    English-german dictionary > should

  • 10 go

    A vi (3e pers sg prés goes ; prét went ; pp gone)
    1 (move, travel) aller (from de ; to à, en) ; to go to London/Paris aller à Londres/Paris ; to go to Wales/to Ireland/to California aller au Pays de Galles/en Irlande/en Californie ; to go to town/to the country aller en ville/à la campagne ; they went home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; she's gone to Paris elle est allée à Paris ; to go up/down/across monter/descendre/traverser ; I went into the room je suis entré dans la pièce ; to go by bus/train/plane voyager en bus/train/avion ; we went there by bus nous y sommes allés en bus ; to go by ou past [person, vehicle] passer ; that car's going very fast! cette voiture roule très vite! ; there he goes again! ( that's him again) le revoilà! ; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!, c'est reparti! ; who goes there? Mil qui va là? ; where do we go from here? fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait? ;
    2 (on specific errand, activity) aller ; to go shopping aller faire des courses ; to go swimming (in sea, river) aller se baigner ; ( in pool) aller à la piscine ; to go for a walk aller se promener ; to go on a journey/on holiday partir en voyage/en vacances ; to go for a drink aller prendre un verre ; he's gone to get some wine il est allé chercher du vin ; go and answer the phone va répondre au téléphone ; go and tell them that… va leur dire que… ; go after him! poursuivez-le! ;
    3 ( attend) aller ; to go to school/ church aller à l'école/l'église ; to go to work aller or se rendre au travail ; to go to the doctor's/dentist's aller chez le médecin/dentiste ;
    4 ( used as auxiliary with present participle) she went running up the stairs elle a monté l'escalier en courant ; she went complaining to the principal elle est allée se plaindre au directeur ;
    5 ( depart) partir ; I must go, I must be going il faut que je parte or que je m'en aille ; the train goes at six o'clock le train part à six heures ; a train goes every hour il y a un train toutes les heures ; to go on holiday partir en vacances ; be gone! va-t'en!, allez-vous en! ;
    6 euph ( die) mourir, disparaître ; when I am gone quand je ne serai plus là ; the doctors say she could go at any time d'après les médecins elle risque de mourir d'un instant à l'autre ;
    7 ( disappear) partir ; half the money goes on school fees la moitié de l'argent part en frais de scolarité ; the money/cake has all gone il ne reste plus d'argent/de gâteau ; I left my bike outside and now it's gone j'ai laissé mon vélo dehors et il n'est plus là or il a disparu ; there goes my chance of winning! c'en est fait de mes chances de gagner! ;
    8 (be sent, transmitted) it can't go by post on ne peut pas l'envoyer par la poste ; these proposals will go before parliament ces propositions seront soumises au parlement ;
    9 ( become) to go red rougir ; to go white blanchir ; his hair ou he is going grey il commençe à avoir les cheveux blancs ; to go mad devenir fou/folle ; to go bankrupt faire faillite ;
    10 ( change over to new system) to go Labour/Conservative Pol [country, constituency] voter travailliste/conservateur ; to go metric adopter le système métrique ; ⇒ private, public ;
    11 (be, remain) the people went hungry les gens n'avaient rien à manger ; we went for two days without food nous avons passé deux jours sans rien manger ; to go unnoticed passer inaperçu ; to go unpunished rester impuni ; the question went unanswered la question est restée sans réponse ; to go naked se promener tout nu ; he was allowed to go free il a été libéré or remis en liberté ;
    12 (weaken, become impaired) his memory/mind is going il perd la mémoire/l'esprit ; his hearing is going il devient sourd ; my voice is going je n'ai plus de voix ; the battery is going la batterie est presque à plat ; the engine is going le moteur a des ratés ;
    13 ( of time) ( elapse) s'écouler ; three hours went by before… trois heures se sont écoulées avant que… (+ subj) ; there are only three days to go before Christmas il ne reste plus que trois jours avant Noël ; how's the time going? quelle heure est-il? ; it's just gone seven o'clock il est un peu plus de sept heures ;
    14 ( be got rid of) he's totally inefficient, he'll have to go! il est complètement incapable, il va falloir qu'on se débarrasse de lui! ; that new lampshade is hideous, it'll have to go! ce nouvel abat-jour est affreux, il va falloir qu'on s'en débarrasse! ; the car will have to go il va falloir vendre la voiture ; either she goes or I do! c'est elle ou moi! ; six down and four to go! six de faits, et encore quatre à faire! ;
    15 (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionner ; to set [sth] going mettre [qch] en marche ; to get going [engine, machine] se mettre en marche ; fig [business] démarrer ; to get the fire going allumer le feu ; to keep going [person, business, machine] tenir le coup , se maintenir ; we have several projects going at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets en route en ce moment ; ⇒ keep ;
    16 ( start) let's get going! allons-y!, allez, on commençe! ; we'll have to get going on that translation il va falloir qu'on se mette à faire cette traduction ; to get things going mettre les choses en train ; ready, steady, go! à vos marques, prêts, partez! ; here goes!, here we go! c'est parti! ; once he gets going, he never stops une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas ;
    17 ( lead) aller, conduire, mener (to à) ; that corridor goes to the kitchen le couloir va or conduit à la cuisine ; the road goes down to the sea/goes up the mountain la route descend vers la mer/monte au sommet de la montagne ; this road goes past the cemetery ce chemin passe à côté du cimetière ;
    18 ( extend in depth or scope) the roots of the plant go very deep les racines de la plante s'enfoncent très profondément ; the historical reasons for this conflict go very deep les raisons historiques de ce conflit remontent très loin ; these habits go very deep ces habitudes sont profondément ancrées or enracinées ; as far as that goes pour ce qui est de cela ; it's true as far as it goes c'est vrai dans un sens or dans une certaine mesure ; she'll go far! elle ira loin! ; this time he's gone too far! cette fois il est allé trop loin! ; a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours ; one leg of lamb doesn't go very far among twelve people un gigot d'agneau n'est pas suffisant pour douze personnes ; this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude ceci explique en grande partie son attitude ; you can make £5 go a long way on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling ;
    19 (belong, be placed) aller ; where do these plates go? où vont ces assiettes? ; that table goes beside the bed cette table va à côté du lit ; the suitcases will have to go in the back il va falloir mettre les valises derrière ;
    20 ( fit) gen rentrer ; it won't go into the box ça ne rentre pas dans la boîte ; five into four won't go quatre n'est pas divisible par cinq ; three into six goes twice six divisé par trois, ça fait deux ;
    21 (be expressed, sung etc in particular way) I can't remember how the poem goes je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le poème ; how does the song go? quel est l'air de la chanson? ; the song goes something like this la chanson ressemble à peu près à ça ; as the saying goes comme dit le proverbe ; the story goes that le bruit court que, on dit que ; her theory goes something like this… sa théorie consiste à peu près à dire que… ;
    22 ( be accepted) what he says goes c'est lui qui fait la loi ; it goes without saying that il va sans dire que ; that goes without saying cela va sans dire ; anything goes tout est permis ;
    23 ( be about to) to be going to do aller faire ; it's going to snow il va neiger ; I was just going to phone you j'étais justement sur le point de t'appeler, j'allais justement t'appeler ; I'm going to phone him right now je vais l'appeler tout de suite ; I'm not going to be treated like that! je ne vais pas me laisser faire comme ça! ; we were going to go to Italy, but we changed our plans nous devions aller en Italie, mais nous avons changé d'idée ;
    24 ( happen) the party went very well la soirée s'est très bien passée ; so far the campaign is going well jusqu'à maintenant la campagne a bien marché ; how did the evening go? comment s'est passée la soirée? ; the way things are going, I don't think we'll ever get finished vu la façon dont les choses se passent or si ça continue comme ça, je pense qu'on n'aura jamais fini ; how's it going ?, how are things going? comment ça va ? ; how goes it? hum comment ça va ?, comment va ? ;
    25 ( be on average) it's old, as Australian towns go c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne ; it wasn't a bad party, as parties go c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne ;
    26 ( be sold) the house went for over £100,000 la maison a été vendue à plus de 100 000 livres ; we won't let the house go for less than £100,000 nous ne voulons pas vendre la maison à moins de 100 000 livres ; those rugs are going cheap ces tapis ne sont pas chers ; the house will go to the highest bidder la maison sera vendue au plus offrant ; ‘going, going, gone!’ ( at auction) ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’ ;
    27 ( be on offer) I'll have some coffee, if there's any going je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a ; are there any drinks going? est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose à boire? ; I'll have whatever's going je prendrai ce qu'il y a ; it's the best machine going c'est la meilleure machine sur le marché ; there's a job going at their London office il y a un poste libre dans leur bureau de Londres ;
    28 ( contribute) the money will go towards a new roof l'argent servira à payer un nouveau toit ; the elements that go to make a great film les éléments qui font un bon film ; everything that goes to make a good teacher toutes les qualités d'un bon enseignant ;
    29 ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à) ; [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à) ; the money will go to charity les bénéfices iront aux bonnes œuvres ; most of the credit should go to the author la plus grande partie du mérite revient à l'auteur ; the job went to a local man le poste a été donné à un homme de la région ;
    30 ( emphatic use) she's gone and told everybody! elle est allée le dire à tout le monde! ; why did he go and spoil it? pourquoi est-il allé tout gâcher ? ; you've gone and ruined everything! tu t'es débrouillé pour tout gâcher! ; he went and won the competition! il s'est débrouillé pour gagner le concours! ; you've really gone and done it now! tu peux être fier de toi! iron ; then he had to go and lose his wallet comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille ;
    31 ( of money) (be spent, used up) all his money goes on drink tout son argent passe dans l'alcool ; most of his salary goes on rent la plus grande partie de son salaire passe dans le loyer ; I don't know where all my money goes (to)! je ne sais pas ce que je fais de mon argent! ;
    32 (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire ; [bell, alarm] sonner ; the cat went ‘miaow’ le chat a fait ‘miaou’ ; wait until the bell goes attends que la cloche sonne ( subj) ; she went like this with her fingers elle a fait comme ça avec ses doigts ; so he goes ‘what about my money ?’ et puis il dit or il fait, ‘et mon argent?’ ;
    33 (resort to, have recourse to) to go to war [country] entrer en guerre ; [soldier] partir à la guerre ; to go to law GB ou to the law US aller en justice ;
    34 (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer ; [cable, rope] se rompre, céder ; ( fuse) [light bulb] griller ;
    35 (bid, bet) aller ; I'll go as high as £100 j'irai jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ; I went up to £100 je suis allé jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ;
    36 ( take one's turn) you go next c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après ; you go first après vous ;
    37 ( be in harmony) those two colours don't go together ces deux couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ; the curtains don't go with the carpet les rideaux ne vont pas avec le tapis ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;
    38 euph ( relieve oneself) aller aux toilettes ;
    39 US ( in takeaway) to go à emporter ; two hamburgers to go! deux hamburgers à emporter!
    1 ( travel) we had gone ten miles before we realized that… nous avions déjà fait dix kilomètres quand nous nous sommes rendu compte que… ; are you going my way? tu vas dans la même direction que moi? ; to go one's own way fig suivre son chemin ;
    2 (bet, bid) I go two diamonds ( in cards) j'annonce deux carreaux ; he went £20 il a mis or parié 20 livres sterling.
    C n (pl goes)
    1 GB ( person's turn) tour m ; ( try) essai m ; it's your go ( in game) c'est ton tour, c'est à toi ; whose go is it? gen à qui le tour? ; ( in game) à qui de jouer? ; you've had two goes ( in game) tu as eu deux tours ; ( two attempts at mending sth) tu as déjà essayé deux fois ; to have a go at sth essayer de faire qch ; have another go! essaie encore une fois or un coup! ; she had several goes at the exam elle a repassé l'examen plusieurs fois ; I had to have several goes before passing j'ai dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de réussir ;
    2 ( energy) dynamisme m ; to be full of go, to be all go être très dynamique, avoir beaucoup d'allant ; he has no go in him il manque de dynamisme ;
    3 GB ( bout) ( of illness) attaque f ;
    D adj all systems are go! Aerosp tout est paré pour le lancement!
    to have a go at sb s'en prendre à qn ; to make a go of sth réussir qch ; she's always on the go elle n'arrête jamais ; he's all go ! il n'arrête pas! ; it's all the go ! ça fait fureur! ; we have several different projects on the go at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets différents en chantier or en cours en ce moment ; (it's) no go! pas question! ; from the word go dès le départ ; that was a near go ! on l'a échappé belle! ; in one go d'un seul coup ; to go one better than sb renchérir sur qn ; that's how it goes!, that's the way it goes! ainsi va le monde!, c'est la vie! ; there you go ! voilà!
    go about:
    1 = go around ;
    2 Naut virer de bord ; prepare to go about! parer à virer! ;
    go about [sth]
    1 ( undertake) s'attaquer à [task] ; how do you go about writing a novel? comment est-ce que vous vous y prenez pour écrire un roman? ; he knows how to go about it il sait s'y prendre ;
    2 ( be busy with) to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations ; she went about her work mechanically elle faisait son travail machinalement.
    go across:
    go across traverser ; he's gone across to the shop/neighbour's il est allé au magasin en face/chez les voisins en face ;
    go across [sth] traverser [street, river, bridge etc].
    go after:
    go after [sth/sb]
    1 ( chase) poursuivre [person] ;
    2 fig ( try hard to get) he really went after that job il a fait tout son possible pour avoir ce travail.
    go against [sb/sth]
    1 ( prove unfavourable to) the vote/verdict/decision went against them le vote/le verdict/la décision leur a été défavorable or n'a pas été en leur faveur ; the war is going against them la guerre tourne à leur désavantage ;
    2 ( conflict with) être contraire à [rules, principles] ; to go against the trend aller à l'encontre de or être contraire à la tendance ; to go against the party line Pol ne pas être dans la ligne du parti ;
    3 (resist, oppose) s'opposer à, aller à l'inverse de [person, sb's wishes].
    1 ( go in front) go ahead, I'll follow you on partez devant, je vous suis ;
    2 fig ( proceed) go! ( in conversation) continue! ; go ahead and shoot! vas-y, tire! ; they are going ahead with the project ils ont décidé de mettre le projet en route ; we can go ahead without them nous pouvons continuer sans eux ; next week's strike is to go ahead la grève de la semaine prochaine va avoir lieu.
    1 ( move along) [person, vehicle] aller, avancer ; to make sth up as one goes along fig inventer qch au fur et à mesure ;
    2 ( attend) aller ; she went along as a witch elle y est allée déguisée en sorcière ; I went along as a witness j'y suis allé or je me suis présenté comme témoin.
    go along with [sb/sth] être d'accord avec, accepter [plans, wishes] ; I can't go along with that je ne peux pas accepter ça ; I'll go along with you there je suis d'accord avec vous sur ce point.
    go around:
    1 (move, travel about) se promener, circuler ; to go around naked/barefoot se promener tout nu/pieds nus ; she goes around on a bicycle elle circule à bicyclette ; they go around everywhere together ils vont partout ensemble ;
    2 ( circulate) [rumour] courir ; there's a rumour going around that le bruit court que ; there's a virus going around il y a un virus qui traîne ; there isn't enough money to go around il n'y a pas assez d'argent pour tout le monde ;
    go around [sth] faire le tour de [house, shops, area] ; to go around the world faire le tour du monde ; they went around the country looking for him ils l'ont cherché dans tout le pays.
    go at:
    go at [sb] ( attack) attaquer, tomber sur ;
    go at [sth] s'attaquer à, s'atteler à [task, activity].
    go away [person] partir ; to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US partir en vacances ; go away and leave me alone! va-t-en et laisse-moi tranquille! ; go away and think about it réfléchissez-y ; don't go away thinking that ne va pas croire que ; this cold/headache just won't go away! je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de ce rhume/mal de tête! ; the problems aren't just going to go away! les problèmes ne vont pas disparaître tout seuls!
    go back
    1 ( return) retourner ; ( turn back) rebrousser chemin, faire demi-tour ; ( resume work) reprendre le travail ; (resume classes, studies) reprendre les cours ; as it was raining, they decided to go back comme il pleuvait, ils ont décidé de faire demi-tour or de rebrousser chemin ; they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; let's go back to France rentrons en France ; to go back to the beginning recommencer ; to go back to sleep se rendormir ; to go back to work/writing se remettre au travail/à écrire ; go back! the path isn't safe reculez! le chemin est dangereux ; once you've committed yourself, there's no going back une fois que vous vous êtes engagé, vous ne pouvez plus reculer ;
    2 ( in time) remonter ; to go back in time remonter dans le temps ; to understand the problem we need to go back 20 years pour comprendre le problème il faut remonter 20 ans en arrière ; this tradition goes back a century cette tradition est vieille d'un siècle ; we go back a long way ça fait longtemps qu'on se connaît ;
    3 ( revert) revenir (to à) ; to go back to teaching revenir à l'enseignement ; to go back to being a student reprendre des études ; let's go back to what we were discussing yesterday revenons à ce que dont nous parlions hier.
    go back on [sth] revenir sur [promise, decision].
    go before:
    go before ( go in front) aller au devant ; fig ( in time) se passer avant ; all that had gone before tout ce qui s'était passé avant ;
    go before [sb/sth] [person] comparaître devant [court, judge] ; the bill went before parliament le projet de loi a été soumis au parlement.
    go below gen, Naut descendre.
    go by:
    go by [person] passer ; [time] passer, s'écouler ; as time goes by avec le temps ; don't let such opportunities go by il ne faut pas laisser passer de telles occasions ;
    go by [sth]
    1 ( judge by) juger d'après ; to go by appearances juger d'après or sur les apparences ; going by her looks, I'd say she was about 30 à la voir, je lui donne 30 ans ; you mustn't go by what you read in the papers il ne faut pas croire tout ce que disent les journaux ; if the trailer is anything to go by, it should be a good film à en juger par la bande-annonce, ça doit être un bon film ; if the father is anything to go by, I wouldn't like to meet the son! quand on voit le père, on n'a pas envie de rencontrer le fils! ;
    2 ( proceed by) to go by the rules suivre or observer le règlement ; promotion goes by seniority la promotion se fait à l'ancienneté or en fonction de l'ancienneté.
    go down:
    go down
    1 ( descend) gen descendre ; [diver] effectuer une plongée ; to go down to the cellar descendre à la cave ; to go down to the beach aller à la plage ; to go down to the pub aller au pub ; they've gone down to Brighton for a few days ils sont allés passer quelques jours à Brighton ; ‘going down!’ ( in elevator) ‘on descend!’ ; to go down on one's knees se mettre à genoux ;
    2 ( fall) [person, aircraft] tomber ; ( sink) [ship] couler, sombrer ; [person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ; most of the passengers went down with the ship la plupart des passagers ont coulé avec le navire ; the plane went down in flames l'avion s'est écrasé en flammes ; the plane went down over Normandy/the Channel l'avion s'est écrasé en Normandie/est tombé dans la Manche ; to go down for the third time [drowning person] disparaître sous les flots et se noyer ;
    3 [sun] se coucher ;
    4 ( be received) to go down well/badly être bien/mal reçu ; this remark didn't go down at all well cette remarque n'a pas été appréciée du tout ; his jokes went down well/didn't go down well with the audience le public a apprécié/n'a pas beaucoup apprécié ses plaisanteries ; another cup of coffee would go down nicely! une autre tasse de café serait la bienvenue! ;
    5 ( be swallowed) it went down the wrong way c'est passé de travers ;
    6 ( become lower) [water level, temperature] baisser ; [tide] descendre ; [price, standard] baisser ; ( abate) [storm, wind] se calmer ; [fire] s'éteindre ; the river has/the floods have gone down le niveau de la rivière/des inondations a baissé ; foodstuffs are going down (in price) les produits alimentaires deviennent moins chers ;
    7 ( become deflated) [swelling] désenfler ; [tyre, balloon] se dégonfler ;
    8 GB Univ ( break up for holiday) terminer les cours ; ( leave university permanently) quitter l'université ; when do you go down? quand est-ce que vous êtes en vacances? ;
    9 gen, Sport (fail, be defeated) perdre ; ( be downgraded) redescendre ; Corby went down 6-1 to Oxford Corby a perdu 6-1 contre Oxford ; the team has gone down to the second division l'équipe est redescendue en deuxième division ;
    10 ( be remembered) he will go down as a great statesman on se souviendra de lui comme d'un grand homme d'État ;
    11 ( be recorded) être noté ; it all goes down in her diary elle note tout dans son journal ;
    12 ( continue) the book goes down to 1939 le livre va jusqu'en 1939 ; if you go down to the second last line you will see that si vous regardez à l'avant-dernière ligne, vous verrez que ;
    13 ( be stricken) to go down with flu/malaria attraper la grippe/la malaria ;
    14 GB ( be sent to prison) être envoyé en prison ;
    15 Comput [computer, system] tomber en panne ;
    go down [sth]
    1 lit descendre [hill] ; descendre dans [mine] ;
    2 ( be downgraded) to go down a class Sch redescendre d'une classe.
    go down on [sth] ( set) [sun] se coucher sur ; when the sun went down on the Roman Empire fig quand l'empire romain commençait à décliner ;
    go down on [sb] ( have oral sex with) tailler une pipe à [man] ; faire minette à [woman].
    go for:
    go for [sb/sth]
    1 (favour, have liking for) craquer pour [person, physical type] ; aimer [style of music, literature etc] ; he really goes for blondes il craque pour or il adore les blondes ; I don't go much for modern art je ne suis pas emballé par l'art moderne, je n'aime pas tellement l'art moderne ;
    2 ( apply to) être valable pour, s'appliquer à ; that goes for all of you! c'est valable pour tout le monde! ; the same goes for him c'est valable pour lui aussi!, ça s'applique à lui aussi! ;
    go for [sb]
    1 ( attack) ( physically) attaquer, tomber sur ; ( verbally) attaquer, s'en prendre à [person] ; the two youths went for him les deux jeunes l'ont attaqué or lui ont sauté dessus ; to go for sb's throat [animal] attaquer qn à la gorge ; she really went for him! (in argument, row) elle l'a vraiment incendié!, elle s'en est prise violemment à lui! ;
    2 he has a lot going for him il a beaucoup de choses pour lui ;
    go for [sth]
    1 ( attempt to achieve) essayer d'obtenir [honour, victory] ; she's going for the gold medal/world record elle vise la médaille d'or/le record mondial ; go for it ! vas-y, fonce ! ; the company is going for a new image l'entreprise cherche à se donner une nouvelle image ; the team is going for a win against Italy l'équipe compte bien gagner contre l'Italie ;
    2 ( choose) choisir, prendre ; I'll go for the blue one je prendrai le bleu.
    go forth sout [person] ( go out) sortir ; ( go forward) aller, avancer ; go forth and multiply allez et multipliez-vous.
    go forward(s) avancer.
    go in
    1 ( enter) entrer ; ( go back in) rentrer ;
    2 Mil [army, troops] attaquer ; the troops went in at dawn les troupes ont attaqué à l'aube ;
    3 ( disappear) [sun, moon] se cacher.
    go in for:
    go in for [sth]
    1 ( be keen on) aimer [sport, hobby etc] ; I don't go in for sports much je n'aime pas tellement le sport ; he goes in for opera in a big way il adore l'opéra, c'est un fou d'opéra ; we don't go in for that sort of thing nous n'aimons pas ce genre de chose ; they don't go in much for foreign languages at Ben's school ils ne s'intéressent pas beaucoup aux langues étrangères dans l'école de Ben ;
    2 ( take up) to go in for teaching entrer dans l'enseignement ; to go in for politics se lancer dans la politique ;
    3 ( take part in) s'inscrire à [exam, competition].
    go into:
    go into [sth]
    1 ( enter) entrer dans ; fig ( take up) se lancer dans ; to go into hospital entrer à l'hôpital ; to go into parliament entrer au parlement ; to go into politics/business se lancer dans la politique/les affaires ;
    2 (examine, investigate) étudier ; we need to go into the question of funding il faut que nous étudiions la question du financement ;
    3 (explain, describe) I won't go into why I did it je n'expliquerai pas pourquoi je l'ai fait ; let's not go into that now laissons cela de côté pour l'instant ;
    4 ( launch into) se lancer dans ; she went into a long explanation of what had happened elle s'est lancée dans une longue explication de ce qui s'était passé ;
    5 ( be expended) a lot of work/money went into this project beaucoup de travail/d'argent a été investi dans ce projet ; a lot of effort went into organizing the party l'organisation de la soirée a demandé beaucoup de travail ;
    6 ( hit) [car, driver] rentrer dans, heurter ; the car went into a lamp post la voiture est rentrée dans or a heurté un réverbère.
    go in with [sb] se joindre à [person, ally, organization] ; he went in with us to buy the present il s'est mis avec nous pour acheter le cadeau.
    go off:
    go off
    1 (explode, fire) [bomb] exploser ; the gun didn't go off le coup n'est pas parti ;
    2 [alarm clock] sonner ; [fire alarm] se déclencher ;
    3 ( depart) partir, s'en aller ; he went off to work il est parti au travail ; she went off to find a spade elle est allée chercher une pelle ; they went off together ils sont partis ensemble ;
    4 GB ( go bad) [milk, cream] tourner ; [meat] s'avarier ; [butter] rancir ; ( deteriorate) [performer, athlete etc] perdre sa forme ; [work] se dégrader ; ( lose one's attractiveness) [person] être moins beau/belle qu'avant ; he used to be very handsome, but he's gone off a bit il était très beau, mais il est moins bien maintenant ; the first part of the film was good, but after that it went off la première partie du film était bien, mais après ça s'est dégradé ;
    5 ( fall asleep) s'endormir ;
    6 ( cease to operate) [lights, heating] s'éteindre ;
    7 (happen, take place) [evening, organized event] se passer ; the concert went off very well le concert s'est très bien passé ;
    8 Theat quitter la scène ;
    go off [sb/sth] GB I used to like him but I've gone off him je l'aimais bien avant, mais je ne l'aime plus tellement ; I've gone off opera/whisky je n'aime plus tellement l'opéra/le whisky ; I think she's gone off the idea je crois qu'elle a renoncé à l'idée.
    go off with [sb/sth] partir avec [person, money] ; she went off with all his money elle est partie avec tout son argent ; who's gone off with my pen? qui a pris mon stylo?
    go on:
    go on
    1 (happen, take place) se passer ; what's going on? qu'est-ce qui se passe? ; there's a party going on upstairs il y a une fête en haut ; how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure? ; a lot of stealing goes on il y a beaucoup de vols ; a lot of drinking goes on at Christmas time les gens boivent beaucoup à Noël ;
    2 ( continue on one's way) poursuivre son chemin ;
    3 ( continue) continuer ; go on with your work continuez votre travail, continuez de travailler ; go on looking continuez à or de chercher ; she went on speaking elle a continué de parler ; go on, we're all listening! continue, nous t'écoutons tous! ; ‘and another thing,’ she went on, ‘you're always late’ ‘et autre chose,’ a-t-elle ajouté, ‘vous êtes toujours en retard’ ; if he goes on like this, he'll get into trouble! s'il continue comme ça, il va s'attirer des ennuis ; we can't go on like this! nous ne pouvons pas continuer comme ça! ; life must go on la vie continue ; the meeting went on into the afternoon la réunion s'est prolongée jusque dans l'après-midi ; you can't go on being a pen pusher all your life! tu ne peux pas rester gratte-papier toute ta vie! ; the list goes on and on la liste est infinie or interminable ; that's enough to be going on with ça suffit pour le moment ; have you got enough work to be going on with? est-ce que tu as assez de travail pour le moment? ; here's £20 to be going on with voici 20 livres pour te dépanner ; go on (with you) ! allons donc! ;
    4 ( of time) ( elapse) as time went on, they… avec le temps, ils… ; as the evening went on, he became more animated au fur et à mesure que la soirée avançait, il devenait plus animé ;
    5 ( keep talking) to go on about sth ne pas arrêter de parler de qch, parler de qch à n'en plus finir ; he was going on about the war il parlait de la guerre à n'en plus finir ; don't go on about it! arrête de parler de ça!, change de disque! ; she went on and on about it elle en a fait toute une histoire ; he does tend to go on a bit! il a tendance à radoter ! ; the way she goes on, you'd think she was an expert on the subject! à l'entendre, on croirait qu'elle est experte en la matière! ;
    6 ( proceed) passer ; let's go on to the next item passons au point suivant ; he went on to say that/describe how puis il a dit que/décrit comment ;
    7 ( go into operation) [heating, lights] s'allumer ;
    8 Theat entrer en scène ; what time do you go on? à quelle heure est-ce que vous entrez en scène? ;
    9 ( approach) it's going on three o'clock il est presque trois heures ; she's four going on five elle va sur ses cinq ans ; he's thirty going on three hum il a trente ans mais il pourrait bien en avoir trois ;
    10 ( fit) these gloves won't go on ces gants ne m'iront pas ; the lid won't go on properly le couvercle ne ferme pas bien ;
    go on [sth] se fonder sur [piece of evidence, information] ; that's all we've got to go on tout ce que nous savons avec certitude ; we've got nothing else to go on nous n'avons pas d'autre point de départ ; the police haven't got much evidence to go on la police n'a pas beaucoup de preuves à l'appui.
    go on at:
    go on at [sb] s'en prendre à [person] ; he's always going on at me for writing badly il s'en prend toujours à moi à cause de ma mauvaise écriture ; they're always going on at us about deadlines ils sont toujours sur notre dos pour des histoires de délais.
    go out
    1 (leave, depart) sortir ; she went out of the room elle a quitté la pièce, elle est sortie de la pièce ; to go out walking aller se promener ; to go out for a drink aller prendre un verre ; they go out a lot ils sortent beaucoup ; she likes going out elle aime sortir ; she had to go out to work at 14 il a fallu qu'elle aille travailler à 14 ans ;
    2 ( travel long distance) partir (to à, pour) ; she's gone out to Australia/Africa elle est partie pour l'Australie/l'Afrique ;
    3 ( have relationship) to go out with sb sortir avec qn ; they've been going out together for six weeks ils sortent ensemble depuis six semaines ;
    4 [tide] descendre ; the tide is going out la marée descend, la mer se retire ;
    5 Ind ( go on strike) se mettre en grève ;
    6 ( become unfashionable) passer de mode ; ( no longer be used) ne plus être utilisé ; mini-skirts went out in the 1970s les mini-jupes ont passé de mode dans les années 70 ; gas went out and electricity came in l'électricité a remplacé le gaz ;
    7 ( be extinguished) [fire, light] s'éteindre ;
    8 ( be sent) [invitation, summons] être envoyé ; ( be published) [journal, magazine] être publié ; Radio, TV ( be broadcast) être diffusé ;
    9 ( be announced) word went out that he was coming back le bruit a couru qu'il revenait ; the news went out from Washington that Washington a annoncé que ;
    10 ( be eliminated) gen, Sport être éliminé ; she went out in the early stages of the competition elle a été éliminée au début de la compétition ;
    11 (expressing compassion, sympathy) my heart goes out to them je les plains de tout mon cœur, je suis de tout cœur avec eux ; our thoughts go out to absent friends nos pensées vont vers nos amis absents ;
    12 ( disappear) all the spirit seemed to have gone out of her elle semblait avoir perdu tout son entrain ; the romance seemed to have gone out of their relationship leur relation semblait avoir perdu tout son charme ;
    13 ( end) [year, month] se terminer ;
    14 ( in cards) terminer.
    go over:
    go over
    1 ( cross over) aller ; she went over to him/to the window elle est allée vers lui/vers la fenêtre, elle s'est approchée de lui/de la fenêtre ; to go over to Ireland/to America aller en Irlande/aux États-Unis ; we are now going over to Washington for more news Radio, TV nous passons maintenant l'antenne à Washington pour plus d'informations ;
    2 ( be received) how did his speech go over? comment est-ce que son discours a été reçu? ; his speech went over well son discours a été bien reçu ; to go over big avoir un grand succès ;
    3 ( switch over) he went over to Labour from the Conservatives il est passé du parti des conservateurs au parti des travaillistes ; to go over to the other side fig passer dans l'autre camp ; we've gone over to gas (central heating) nous sommes passés au chauffage central au gaz ; to go over to Islam se convertir à l'Islam ;
    go over [sth]
    1 ( review) passer [qch] en revue [details] ; she went over the events of the day in her mind elle a passé en revue les événements de la journée ; we've gone over the details again and again nous avons déjà passé les détails en revue mille fois ; to go over one's lines ( actor) répéter son texte ; there's no point in going over old ground il n'y a aucune raison de revenir là-dessus ;
    2 (check, inspect) vérifier [accounts, figures] ; revoir [facts, piece of work] ; I want to go over this article once more before I hand it in je veux relire cet article une dernière fois avant de le remettre ; to go over a house faire le tour d'une maison ;
    3 ( clean) he went over the room with a duster il a donné un coup de chiffon dans la pièce ; after cleaning, go over the surface with a dry cloth après l'avoir nettoyée, essuyez la surface avec un chiffon sec or passez un chiffon sec sur la surface ;
    4 to go over a sketch in ink repasser un dessin à l'encre ;
    5 ( exceed) dépasser ; don't go over £100 ne dépassez pas 100 livres sterling.
    go round GB:
    1 ( turn) [wheel, propeller etc] tourner ; the wheels went round and round les roues n'ont pas arrêté de tourner ; my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne ;
    2 ( call round) to go round to see sb aller voir qn ; he's gone round to Anna's il est allé chez Anna ;
    3 ( suffice) there isn't enough food/money to go round il n'y a pas assez de nourriture/d'argent pour tout le monde ; there was barely enough to go round il y en avait à peine assez pour tout le monde ;
    4 ( circulate) there's a rumour going round that le bruit court que ;
    5 ( make detour) faire un détour ; we had to go round the long way ou the long way round il a fallu qu'on prenne un chemin plus long ; I had to go round by the bridge il a fallu que je passe par or que je fasse un détour par le pont ;
    go round [sth] ( visit) faire le tour de [shops, house, museum].
    1 ( come in) entrer ; if you'll just go (on) through, I'll tell them you're here si vous voulez bien entrer, je vais leur dire que vous êtes arrivé ;
    2 ( be approved) [law, agreement] passer ; the law failed to go through la loi n'est pas passée ; the divorce hasn't gone through yet le divorce n'a pas encore été prononcé ;
    3 ( be successfully completed) [business deal] être conclu ;
    go through [sth]
    1 ( undergo) endurer, subir [experience, ordeal] ; ( pass through) passer par [stage, phase] ; in spite of all he's gone through malgré tout ce qu'il a enduré ; we've all gone through it nous sommes tous passés par là ; she's gone through a lot elle a beaucoup souffert ; he went through the day in a kind of daze toute la journée il a été dans un état second ; the country has gone through two civil wars le pays a connu deux guerres civiles ; to go through a crisis traverser une crise ; as you go through life au fur et à mesure que tu vieillis, en vieillissant ; you have to go through the switchboard/right authorities il faut passer par le standard/les autorités compétentes ; it went through my mind that l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit que ;
    2 (check, inspect) examiner, étudier ; ( rapidly) parcourir [documents, files, list] ; to go through one's mail parcourir son courrier ; let's go through the points one by one étudions or examinons les problèmes un par un ;
    3 ( search) fouiller [person's belongings, baggage] ; to go through sb's pockets/drawers fouiller dans les poches/tiroirs de qn ; at customs they went through all my things à la douane ils ont fouillé toutes mes affaires ;
    4 (perform, rehearse) répéter [scene] ; expliquer [procedure] ; let's go through the whole scene once more répétons or reprenons toute la scène une dernière fois ; there are still a certain number of formalities to be gone through il y a encore un certain nombre de formalités à remplir ; I went through the whole procedure with him je lui ai expliqué comment il fallait procéder en détail ;
    5 (consume, use up) dépenser [money] ; we went through three bottles of wine nous avons bu or descendu trois bouteilles de vin ; I've gone through the elbows of my jacket j'ai usé ma veste aux coudes.
    go through with [sth] réaliser, mettre [qch] à exécution [plan] ; in the end they decided to go through with the wedding finalement ils ont décidé de se marier ; I can't go through with it je ne peux pas le faire ; you'll have to go through with it now il va falloir que tu le fasses maintenant.
    1 ( harmonize) [colours, pieces of furniture etc] aller ensemble ; these colours don't go together ces couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ;
    2 ( entail each other) aller de pair ; poverty and crime often go together la pauvreté et le crime vont souvent de pair ;
    3 ( have relationship) [couple] sortir ensemble.
    1 [boat, ship] couler, sombrer ; [drowning person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ;
    2 fig ( succumb) [person] succomber ; ( go bankrupt) [business, company] faire faillite.
    go up:
    go up
    1 ( ascend) monter ; to go up to bed monter se coucher ; they've gone up to London ils sont allés or montés à Londres ; they've gone up to Scotland ils sont allés en Écosse ; ‘going up!’ ( in elevator) ‘on monte!’ ;
    2 ( rise) [price, temperature] monter ; Theat [curtain] se lever (on sur) ; petrol has gone up (in price) (le prix de) l'essence a augmenté ; unemployment is going up le chômage augmente or est en hausse ; our membership has gone up le nombre de nos adhérents a augmenté ; a cry went up from the crowd un cri est monté or s'est élevé de la foule ;
    3 ( be erected) [building] être construit ; [poster] être affiché ; new office blocks are going up all over the place on construit de nouveaux immeubles un peu partout ;
    4 (be destroyed, blown up) [building] sauter, exploser ;
    5 GB Univ ( start university) entrer à l'université ; ( start term) reprendre les cours ;
    6 ( be upgraded) the team has gone up to the first division l'équipe est passée en première division ;
    7 ( continue) the book/series goes up to 1990 le livre/la série va jusqu'en 1990 ;
    go up [sth]
    1 ( mount) monter, gravir [hill, mountain] ;
    2 to go up a class Sch passer dans une classe supérieure.
    go with:
    go with [sth]
    1 (match, suit) aller avec ; your shirt goes with your blue eyes ta chemise va bien avec tes yeux bleus ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;
    2 ( accompany) aller de pair avec ; the car goes with the job la voiture va de pair avec la situation ; the responsibilities that go with parenthood les responsabilités qui vont de pair avec le fait d'être parent ;
    go with [sb] ( date) sortir avec ; ( have sex with) coucher avec [person].
    go without s'en passer ; you'll just have to go without! il va falloir que tu t'en passes!, il va falloir que tu fasses sans! ;
    go without [sth] se passer de [food, luxuries].

    Big English-French dictionary > go

  • 11 Li Gao (Li Kao)

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    fl. 752/820 China
    Chinese physicist, technologist and patron of engineers.
    Li Gao was Prince of Cao (Tshao). He was interested in acoustics and carried out experiments on both hydrostatic and air pressure. He constructed "trick" hydrostatic vessels that could take up different positions according to the amount of water in them. Such vessels had been known since the third century BC and were popular at court for over a thousand years: Li's were made of lacquered wood, c. 790, probably in quantity. He made successful use of paddle warships operated by treadmills. Similar vessels may have been in use as early as the late fifth century, but this is not at all certain. Li Gao's ships are therefore the first practical achievement of an idea for ship propulsion that, probably independently, had been mooted but not realized in early Byzantine times in Europe. His experiments with this type of vessel were made during 782 to 785, while he was Governor of Hungchow. It was said that the ships "went like the wind", faster than a charging horse.
    Further Reading
    J.Needham, Science and Civilisation in China, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962, Vols IV. 1, pp. 38, 62; 1965, IV. 2, pp. 417–18, 433, 435; Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West, 1970, pp. 25, 127–8.

    Biographical history of technology > Li Gao (Li Kao)

  • 12 Napier (Neper), John

    b. 1550 Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 4 April 1617 Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
    Scottish mathematician and theological writer noted for his discovery of logarithms, a powerful aid to mathematical calculations.
    Born into a family of Scottish landowners, at the early age of 13 years Napier went to the University of St Andrews in Fife, but he apparently left before taking his degree. An extreme Protestant, he was active in the struggles with the Roman Catholic Church and in 1594 he dedicated to James VI of Scotland his Plaine Discovery of the Whole Revelation of St John, an attempt to promote the Protestant case in the guise of a learned study. About this time, as well as being involved in the development of military equipment, he devoted much of his time to finding methods of simplifying the tedious calculations involved in astronomy. Eventually he realized that by representing numbers in terms of the power to which a "base" number needed to be raised to produce them, it was possible to perform multiplication and division and to find roots, by the simpler processes of addition, substraction and integer division, respectively.
    A description of the principle of his "logarithms" (from the Gk. logos, reckoning, and arithmos, number), how he arrived at the idea and how they could be used was published in 1614 under the title Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio. Two years after his death his Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Constructio appeared, in which he explained how to calculate the logarithms of numbers and gave tables of them to eight significant figures, a novel feature being the use of the decimal point to distinguish the integral and fractional parts of the logarithm. As originally conceived, Napier's tables of logarithms were calculated using the natural number e(=2.71828…) as the base, not directly, but in effect according to the formula: Naperian logx= 107(log e 107-log e x) so that the original Naperian logarithm of a number decreased as the number increased. However, prior to his death he had readily acceded to a suggestion by Henry Briggs that it would greatly facilitate their use if logarithms were simply defined as the value to which the decimal base 10 needed to be raised to realize the number in question. He was almost certainly also aware of the work of Joost Burgi.
    No doubt as an extension of his ideas of logarithms, Napier also devised a means of manually performing multiplication and division by means of a system of rods known as Napier's Bones, a forerunner of the modern slide-rule, which evolved as a result of successive developments by Edmund Gunther, William Oughtred and others. Other contributions to mathematics by Napier include important simplifying discoveries in spherical trigonometry. However, his discovery of logarithms was undoubtedly his greatest achievement.
    Napier's "Descriptio" and his "Constructio" were published in English translation as Description of the Marvelous Canon of Logarithms (1857) and W.R.MacDonald's Construction of the Marvelous Canon of Logarithms (1889), which also catalogues all his works. His Rabdologiae, seu Numerationis per Virgulas Libri Duo (1617) was published in English as Divining Rods, or Two Books of Numbering by Means of Rods (1667).
    Further Reading
    D.Stewart and W.Minto, 1787, An Account of the Life Writings and Inventions of John Napier of Merchiston (an early account of Napier's work).
    C.G.Knott (ed.), 1915, Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume (the fullest account of Napier's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Napier (Neper), John

  • 13 Adams, William Bridges

    b. 1797 Madeley, Staffordshire, England
    d. 23 July 1872 Broadstairs, Kent, England
    English inventory particularly of road and rail vehicles and their equipment.
    Ill health forced Adams to live abroad when he was a young man and when he returned to England in the early 1830s he became a partner in his father's firm of coachbuilders. Coaches during that period were steered by a centrally pivoted front axle, which meant that the front wheels had to swing beneath the body and were therefore made smaller than the rear wheels. Adams considered this design defective and invented equirotal coaches, built by his firm, in which the front and rear wheels were of equal diameter and the coach body was articulated midway along its length so that the front part pivoted. He also applied himself to improving vehicles for railways, which were developing rapidly then.
    In 1843 he opened his own engineering works, Fairfield Works in north London (he was not related to his contemporary William Adams, who was appointed Locomotive Superintendent to the North London Railway in 1854). In 1847 he and James Samuel, Engineer to the Eastern Counties Railway, built for that line a small steam inspection car, the Express, which was light enough to be lifted off the track. The following year Adams built a broad-gauge steam railcar, the Fairfield, for the Bristol \& Exeter Railway at the insistance of the line's Engineer, C.H.Gregory: self-propelled and passenger-carrying, this was the first railcar. Adams developed the concept further into a light locomotive that could haul two or three separate carriages, and light locomotives built both by his own firm and by other noted builders came into vogue for a decade or more.
    In 1847 Adams also built eight-wheeled coaches for the Eastern Counties Railway that were larger and more spacious than most others of the day: each in effect comprised two four-wheeled coaches articulated together, with wheels that were allowed limited side-play. He also realized the necessity for improvements to railway track, the weakest point of which was the joints between the rails, whose adjoining ends were normally held in common chairs. Adams invented the fishplated joint, first used by the Eastern Counties Railway in 1849 and subsequently used almost universally.
    Adams was a prolific inventor. Most important of his later inventions was the radial axle, which was first applied to the leading and trailing wheels of a 2–4–2 tank engine, the White Raven, built in 1863; Adams's radial axle was the forerunner of all later radial axles. However, the sprung tyres with which White Raven was also fitted (an elastic steel hoop was interposed between wheel centre and tyre) were not perpetuated. His inventiveness was not restricted to engineering: in matters of dress, his adoption, perhaps invention, of the turn-down collar at a time when men conventionally wore standup collars had lasting effect.
    Adams took out some thirty five British patents, including one for the fishplate in 1847. He wrote copiously, as journalist and author: his most important book was English Pleasure Carriages (1837), a detailed description of coachbuilding, together with ideas for railway vehicles and track. The 1971 reprint (Bath: Adams \& Dart) has a biographical introduction by Jack Simmons.
    Further Reading
    C.Hamilton Ellis, 1958, Twenty Locomotive Men, Shepperton: Ian Allan, Ch. 1. See also England, George.

    Biographical history of technology > Adams, William Bridges

  • 14 Lovelock, James Ephraim

    b. 26 July 1919 Brixton, London, England
    English biologist and philosopher, inventor of the microwave oven and electron capture detector.
    Lovelock was brought up in Brixton in modest circumstances. At the age of 4 he was given a toy electrical set, which first turned his attention towards the study of science. From the Strand School, Brixton, he went on to the universities of Manchester and London, and after graduating in science, in 1941 he joined the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, as a staff scientist, remaining there for twenty years. During the early 1950s, he and his colleagues were engaged in research into freezing live animals and bringing them back to life by heating: Lovelock was struck by the intense pain this process caused the animals, and he sought a more humane method. He tried diathermy or internal heating through the effect of a continuous wave magnetron borrowed from the Navy. He found that the animals were brought back to life painlessly, and impressed with his success he tried baking a potato for his lunch in the apparatus and found that it cooked amazingly quickly compared with the one hour normally needed in an ordinary oven. Lovelock had invented the microwave oven, but its commercial possibilities were not at first realized.
    In the late 1950s he invented the electron capture detector, which proved to be more sensitive than any other analytical equipment in detecting and measuring toxic substances. The apparatus therefore had obvious uses in testing the quality of the environment and so offered a tremendous boost to the "green" movement. In 1961 he was invited to joint the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to employ the apparatus in an attempt to detect life in space.
    In the early 1970s Lovelock relinquished his biological work in order to devote his attention to philosophical matters, specifically to develop his theory of the Universe, now widely celebrated as the "Gaia theory". In this controversial theory, Lovelock regards our planet and all its living beings, including humans, as a single living organism.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    CBE 1990. FRS 1974. Many academic awards and honorary degrees. Visiting Professor, University of Reading 1967–90.
    1979, Gaia.
    1983, The Great Extinction.
    1988, The Ages of Gaia.
    1991, Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine.

    Biographical history of technology > Lovelock, James Ephraim

  • 15 Torricelli, Evangelista

    b. 15 October 1608 Faenza, Italy
    d. 25 October 1647 Florence, Italy
    Italian physicist, inventor of the mercury barometer and discoverer of atmospheric pressure.
    Torricelli was the eldest child of a textile artisan. Between 1625 and 1626 he attended the Jesuit school at Faenza, where he showed such outstanding aptitude in mathematics and philosophy that his uncle was persuaded to send him to Rome to a school run by Benedetto Castelli, a mathematician and engineer and a former pupil of Galileo Galilei. Between 1630 and 1641, Torricelli was possibly Secretary to Giovanni Ciampoli, Galileo's friend and protector. In 1641 Torricelli wrote a treatise, De motugravium, amplifying Galileo's doctrine on the motion of projectiles, and Galileo accepted him as a pupil. On Galileo's death in 1642, he was appointed as mathematician and philosopher to the court of Grand Duke Ferdinando II of Tuscany. He remained in Florence until his early death in 1647, possibly from typhoid fever. He wrote a great number of mathematical papers on conic sections, the cycloid, the logarithmic curve and other subjects, which made him well known.
    By 1642 Torricelli was producing good lenses for telescopes; he subsequently improved them, and attained near optical perfection. He also constructed a simple microscope with a small glass sphere as a lens. Galileo had looked at problems of raising water with suction pumps, and also with a siphon in 1630. Torricelli brought up the subject again in 1640 and later produced his most important invention, the barometer. He used mercury to fill a glass tube that was sealed at one end and inverted it. He found that the height of mercury in the tube adjusted itself to a well-defined level of about 76 cm (30 in.), higher than the free surface outside. He realized that this must be due to the pressure of the air on the outside surface and predicted that it would fall with increasing altitude. He thus demonstrated the pressure of the atmosphere and the existence of a vacuum on top of the mercury, publishing his findings in 1644. He later noticed that changes in the height of the mercury were related to changes in the weather.
    1641, De motu gravium.
    Further Reading
    T.I.Williams (ed.), 1969, A Biographical Dictionary of Scientists, London: A. \& C.Black.
    Chambers Concise Dictionary of Scientists, 1989, Cambridge.
    A Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1976, Vol. XIII, New York: C.Scribner's Sons.
    A.Stowers, 1961–2, "Thomas Newcomen's first steam engine 250 years ago and the initial development of steam power", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 34 (provides an account of his mercury barometer).
    W.E.Knowles Middleton, 1964, The History of the Barometer, Baltimore.

    Biographical history of technology > Torricelli, Evangelista

  • 16 Trevithick, Richard

    b. 13 April 1771 Illogan, Cornwall, England
    d. 22 April 1833 Dartford, Kent, England
    English engineer, pioneer of non-condensing steam-engines; designed and built the first locomotives.
    Trevithick's father was a tin-mine manager, and Trevithick himself, after limited formal education, developed his immense engineering talent among local mining machinery and steam-engines and found employment as a mining engineer. Tall, strong and high-spirited, he was the eternal optimist.
    About 1797 it occurred to him that the separate condenser patent of James Watt could be avoided by employing "strong steam", that is steam at pressures substantially greater than atmospheric, to drive steam-engines: after use, steam could be exhausted to the atmosphere and the condenser eliminated. His first winding engine on this principle came into use in 1799, and subsequently such engines were widely used. To produce high-pressure steam, a stronger boiler was needed than the boilers then in use, in which the pressure vessel was mounted upon masonry above the fire: Trevithick designed the cylindrical boiler, with furnace tube within, from which the Cornish and later the Lancashire boilers evolved.
    Simultaneously he realized that high-pressure steam enabled a compact steam-engine/boiler unit to be built: typically, the Trevithick engine comprised a cylindrical boiler with return firetube, and a cylinder recessed into the boiler. No beam intervened between connecting rod and crank. A master patent was taken out.
    Such an engine was well suited to driving vehicles. Trevithick built his first steam-carriage in 1801, but after a few days' use it overturned on a rough Cornish road and was damaged beyond repair by fire. Nevertheless, it had been the first self-propelled vehicle successfully to carry passengers. His second steam-carriage was driven about the streets of London in 1803, even more successfully; however, it aroused no commercial interest. Meanwhile the Coalbrookdale Company had started to build a locomotive incorporating a Trevithick engine for its tramroads, though little is known of the outcome; however, Samuel Homfray's ironworks at Penydarren, South Wales, was already building engines to Trevithick's design, and in 1804 Trevithick built one there as a locomotive for the Penydarren Tramroad. In this, and in the London steam-carriage, exhaust steam was turned up the chimney to draw the fire. On 21 February the locomotive hauled five wagons with 10 tons of iron and seventy men for 9 miles (14 km): it was the first successful railway locomotive.
    Again, there was no commercial interest, although Trevithick now had nearly fifty stationary engines completed or being built to his design under licence. He experimented with one to power a barge on the Severn and used one to power a dredger on the Thames. He became Engineer to a project to drive a tunnel beneath the Thames at Rotherhithe and was only narrowly defeated, by quicksands. Trevithick then set up, in 1808, a circular tramroad track in London and upon it demonstrated to the admission-fee-paying public the locomotive Catch me who can, built to his design by John Hazledine and J.U. Rastrick.
    In 1809, by which date Trevithick had sold all his interest in the steam-engine patent, he and Robert Dickinson, in partnership, obtained a patent for iron tanks to hold liquid cargo in ships, replacing the wooden casks then used, and started to manufacture them. In 1810, however, he was taken seriously ill with typhus for six months and had to return to Cornwall, and early in 1811 the partners were bankrupt; Trevithick was discharged from bankruptcy only in 1814.
    In the meantime he continued as a steam engineer and produced a single-acting steam engine in which the cut-off could be varied to work the engine expansively by way of a three-way cock actuated by a cam. Then, in 1813, Trevithick was approached by a representative of a company set up to drain the rich but flooded silver-mines at Cerro de Pasco, Peru, at an altitude of 14,000 ft (4,300 m). Low-pressure steam engines, dependent largely upon atmospheric pressure, would not work at such an altitude, but Trevithick's high-pressure engines would. Nine engines and much other mining plant were built by Hazledine and Rastrick and despatched to Peru in 1814, and Trevithick himself followed two years later. However, the war of independence was taking place in Peru, then a Spanish colony, and no sooner had Trevithick, after immense difficulties, put everything in order at the mines then rebels arrived and broke up the machinery, for they saw the mines as a source of supply for the Spanish forces. It was only after innumerable further adventures, during which he encountered and was assisted financially by Robert Stephenson, that Trevithick eventually arrived home in Cornwall in 1827, penniless.
    He petitioned Parliament for a grant in recognition of his improvements to steam-engines and boilers, without success. He was as inventive as ever though: he proposed a hydraulic power transmission system; he was consulted over steam engines for land drainage in Holland; and he suggested a 1,000 ft (305 m) high tower of gilded cast iron to commemorate the Reform Act of 1832. While working on steam propulsion of ships in 1833, he caught pneumonia, from which he died.
    Trevithick took out fourteen patents, solely or in partnership, of which the most important are: 1802, Construction of Steam Engines, British patent no. 2,599. 1808, Stowing Ships' Cargoes, British patent no. 3,172.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson and A.Titley, 1934, Richard Trevithick. The Engineer and the Man, Cambridge; F.Trevithick, 1872, Life of Richard Trevithick, London (these two are the principal biographies).
    E.A.Forward, 1952, "Links in the history of the locomotive", The Engineer (22 February), 226 (considers the case for the Coalbrookdale locomotive of 1802).

    Biographical history of technology > Trevithick, Richard

  • 17 Clarke, Arthur Charles

    b. 16 December 1917 Minehead, Somerset, England
    English writer of science fiction who correctly predicted the use of geo-stationary earth satellites for worldwide communications.
    Whilst still at Huish's Grammar School, Taunton, Clarke became interested in both space science and science fiction. Unable to afford a scientific education at the time (he later obtained a BSc at King's College, London), he pursued both interests in his spare time while working in the Government Exchequer and Audit Department between 1936 and 1941. He was a founder member of the British Interplanetary Society, subsequently serving as its Chairman in 1946–7 and 1950–3. From 1941 to 1945 he served in the Royal Air Force, becoming a technical officer in the first GCA (Ground Controlled Approach) radar unit. There he began to produce the first of many science-fiction stories. In 1949–50 he was an assistant editor of Science Abstracts at the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
    As a result of his two interests, he realized during the Second World War that an artificial earth satellite in an equatorial orbital with a radius of 35,000 km (22,000 miles) would appear to be stationary, and that three such geo-stationary, or synchronous, satellites could be used for worldwide broadcast or communications. He described these ideas in a paper published in Wireless World in 1945. Initially there was little response, but within a few years the idea was taken up by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and in 1965 the first synchronous satellite, Early Bird, was launched into orbit.
    In the 1950s he moved to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to pursue an interest in underwater exploration, but he continued to write science fiction, being known in particular for his contribution to the making of the classic Stanley Kubrick science-fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey, based on his book of the same title.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Clarke received many honours for both his scientific and science-fiction writings. For his satellite communication ideas his awards include the Franklin Institute Gold Medal 1963 and Honorary Fellowship of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1976. For his science-fiction writing he received the UNESCO Kalinga Prize (1961) and many others. In 1979 he became Chancellor of Moratuwa University in Sri Lanka and in 1980 Vikran Scrabhai Professor at the Physical Research Laboratory of the University of Ahmedabad.
    1945. "Extra-terrestrial relays: can rocket stations give world wide coverage?", Wireless World L1: 305 (puts forward his ideas for geo-stationary communication satellites).
    1946. "Astronomical radar: some future possibilities", Wireless World 52:321.
    1948, "Electronics and space flight", Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 7:49. Other publications, mainly science-fiction novels, include: 1955, Earthlight, 1956, The
    Coast of Coral; 1958, Voice Across the Sea; 1961, Fall of Moondust; 1965, Voices
    from the Sky, 1977, The View from Serendip; 1979, Fountain of Paradise; 1984, Ascent to Orbit: A Scientific Autobiography, and 1984, 2010: Odyssey Two (a sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey that was also made into a film).
    Further Reading
    1986, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    1991, Who's Who, London: A. \& C.Black.

    Biographical history of technology > Clarke, Arthur Charles

  • 18 a soft touch


    She has a soft touch and can bring both sides together — У нее есть такт, и она может помирить обе стороны

    2) sl

    He'd only met us once, but he must have realized you're a soft touch — Он встречался с нами только раз, но он, наверное, понял, что облапошить тебя - сущие пустяки

    3) sl

    And now Solozzo has you figured for the soft touch in the Family because you let McCluskey hit you without fighting back — И сейчас Солоццо думает, что ты слабак в нашей Семье, потому что ты безропотно дал себя ударить МакКласки

    4) AmE sl

    They recognized him early as a soft touch for a loan — Они сразу поняли, что у него всегда можно взять взаймы

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > a soft touch

  • 19 Allen, John F.

    b. 1829 England
    d. 2 October 1900 New York (?), USA
    English inventor of the Allen valve used on his pioneering high-speed engines.
    Allen was taken to the United States from England when he was 12 years old. He became an engineer on the Curlew, a freight boat running between New York and Providence. A defect which caused the engine to race in rough weather led Allen to invent a new valve gear, but he found it could not be fitted to the Corliss engine. In 1856 he patented an improved form of valve and operating gear to reduce back-pressure in the cylinder, which was in fact the reverse of what happened in his later engines. In 1860 he repaired the engines of a New York felt-hat manufacturer, Henry Burr, and that winter he was introduced to Charles Porter. Porter realized the potential of Allen's valves for his idea of a high-speed engine, and the Porter-Allen engine became the pioneer of high-speed designs.
    Porter persuaded Allen to patent his new valves and two patents were obtained in 1862. These valves could be driven positively and yet the travel of the inlet could be varied to give the maximum expansion at different cut-offs. Also, the valves allowed an exceptionally good flow of steam. While Porter went to England and tried to interest manufacturers there, Allen remained in America and continued work on the engine. Within a few years he invented an inclined watertube boiler, but he seemed incapable of furthering his inventions once they had been placed on the market. Although he mortgaged his own house in order to help finance the factory for building the steam engine, in the early 1870s he left Porter and built a workshop of his own at Mott Haven. There he invented important systems for riveting by pneumatic machines through both percussion and pressure which led into the production of air compressors and riveting machines.
    Further Reading
    Obituaries appeared in engineering journals at the time of his death.
    Dictionary of American Biography, 1928, Vol. I, New York: C.Scribner's Sons. C.T.Porter, 1908, Engineering Reminiscences, New York: J.Wiley \& Sons, reprint 1985, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay Publications (provides details of Allen's valve design).
    R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge University Press (covers the development of the Porter-Allen engine).

    Biographical history of technology > Allen, John F.

  • 20 Townes, Charles Hard

    b. 28 July 1915 Greenville, South Carolina, USA
    American physicist who developed the maser and contributed to the development of the laser.
    Charles H.Townes entered Furman University, Greenville, at the early age of 16 and in 1935 obtained a BA in modern languages and a BS in physics. After a year of postgraduate study at Duke University, he received a master's degree in physics in 1936. He then went on to the California Institute of Technology, where he obtained a PhD in 1939. From 1939 to 1947 he worked at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, mainly on airborne radar, although he also did some work on radio astronomy. In 1948 he joined Columbia University as Associate Professor of Physics and in 1950 was appointed a full professor. He was Director of the University's Radiation Laboratory from 1950 to 1952, and from 1952 to 1955 he was Chairman of the Physics Department.
    To meet the need for an oscillator generating very short wavelength electromagnetic radiation, Townes in 1951 realized that use could be made of the different natural energy levels of atoms and molecules. The practical application of this idea was achieved in his laboratory in 1953 using ammonia gas to make the device known as a maser (an acronym of microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). The maser was developed in the next few years and in 1958, in a joint paper with his brother-in-law Arthur L. Schawlow, Townes suggested the possibility of a further development into optical frequencies or an optical maser, later known as a laser (an acronym of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Two years later the first such device was made by Theodore H. Maiman.
    In 1959 Townes was given leave from Columbia University to serve as Vice-President and Director of Research at the Institute for Defense Analyses until 1961. He was then appointed Provost and Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1967 he became University Professor of Physics at the University of California, where he has extended his research interests in the field of microwave and infra-red astronomy. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Astronomical Society.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Nobel Prize for Physics 1964. Foreign Member, Royal Society of London. President, American Physical Society 1967. Townes has received many awards from American and other scientific societies and institutions and honorary degrees from more than twenty universities.
    Townes is the author of many scientific papers and, with Arthur L.Schawlow, of
    Microwave Spectroscopy (1955).
    1980, entry, McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers, Part 3, New York, pp. 227– 8 (autobiography).
    1991, entry, The Nobel Century, London, p. 106 (autobiography).
    Further Reading
    T.Wasson (ed.), 1987, Nobel Prize Winners, New York, pp. 1,071–3 (contains a short biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Townes, Charles Hard

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